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Displaying 1216-1230 of 2670 results found.

The changing face of freedom

As a leader of a local council, I have had to make a huge number of choices in the past few months, many of which have not been easy. There have been times of serious reflection on why we have made certain decisions, and an increasing awareness that a time is coming when those decisions will be…

29 June 2020
Cllr Sam Rowlands

TAG Talk: Proclamation

In this TAG Talk live from Tuesday 23rd June, we were joined by Dr Dan Strange, College Director & Lecturer at Oak Hill College and Revd Dave Newton, Director of Training, Regents College Malvern. You must be a member of the Evangelical Alliance, and logged in to view this video.

Listening well to the story of others

At first glance this may seem counterintuitive. The word evangelism derives from the idea of announcing or proclaiming good news. How might listening relate to an activity that has strong links to the act of speaking or proclaiming? The key is the context in which we find ourselves in the UK.

24 June 2020
Richard Powney

Reopening of church buildings: what now?

In his statement to parliament on 23 June the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, also announced that wedding ceremonies in England will be able to take place from the 4 July with a cap of 30 people. Alongside this are other changes permitting the reopening of restaurants, pubs and many, but not all,…

25 June 2020
Danny Webster

Changing church

research, ideas, tools and resources to help you face the challenges and opportunities of the our fast-changing culture

10 top tips for reopening church

The reopening of church buildings provides opportunities and challenges to be navigated with love, wisdom and grace.

Changing Church Toolkit: Gathering church

A series of resources for your leadership team as we look to gather again as communities after lockdown

Five key questions for your leadership team on reopening church

As followers of Jesus, we are learning to gather in new and creative ways that minimise the risk of spreading coronavirus.

When we come together

The church (ekklesia) is, at its heart, a gathering of people. We are a connected people, a community, the people of God, the body of Christ, a holy nation, a royal priesthood, the flock, the household of God. From first creation to the new creation, scripture is permeated with images of people…

25 June 2020
Donna Jennings

Story Bearer small group sessions

One of the core principles of Story Bearer is that the world runs on relationships. As such, Phil Knox has written the book in such a way that it can be read as a small group community. Why not get together with some friends over the summer and read the book together using the Story Bearer Small…

Roundtable: The church and later life

The Bible gives us a high view of older people (Leviticus 19:32, Proverbs 16:31). By contrast, our society often sees old age as a negative thing, and ageism has only increased over time. According to the World Health Organization, a low opinion of old age risks becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy,…

26 June 2020
John Coleby

Students on an (online) mission

Shortly after this, when churches around the UK closed to help supress the spread of COVID-19, Josh and his friend joined an online church and a small group. Josh also decided to take part in Fusion UK’s small group online training so he could be better equipped to support his friend in his…

29 June 2020
Joanna Sopylo-Firrisa

Klopp’s message to the church

Klopp invited one of the world’s best surfers, Sebastian Steudtner, to training to help the players learn how to ‘calm their mindset’ – focus and believe for more (some of them were able to hold their breath under water for up to three minutes by the end of it). The team found that they were better…

30 June 2020
Anne Calver

Scottish Government Route Map – Phase 3 planning update

On 24th June Nicola Sturgeon announced a series of indicative dates in preparation for moving into Phase 3 of the Scottish Government route map out of lockdown, due to begin on 9th July. With new cases of coronavirus now at a very low level in Scotland, potential dates for Phases 3 & 4 have…

30 June 2020
Kieran Turner

Racial justice: Looking back as we look forward

This 400-year period, from the 16th to the 19th century, saw slave traders, many Britons among them, transport millions of enslaved Africans to the Americas, mainly. Millions died along the way. Large numbers died upon arrival. Many survived and, with their descendants, went on to make a huge…

2 July 2020
Naomi Osinnowo