The home of news and views from the Evangelical Alliance

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How do I decide who to vote for?

How we can make up our minds on how to vote in the upcoming election.


Seen, heard, valued and honoured: let’s increase our awareness of learning disabilities

Dr Jill Harshaw from member organisation Tiō Asociates explores the themes of Learning Disability Awareness Week and how they can be applied in our churches

Three guiding principles for Christian women ahead of polling day

Three guiding principles for Christian women ahead of polling day

Alicia Edmund head of public policy, reflects on how our faith can help us discern which candidate to vote for and what will be influencing her vote this election
Sports evangelism: Could you share Jesus with others this summer?

Sports evangelism: Could you share Jesus with others this summer?

Phil Knox, our evangelism and missiology senior specialist, highlights some of the ways people are finding faith and why sporting events are a great opportunity to share Jesus
The view from Scotland: our importance in the 2024 general election

The view from Scotland: our importance in the 2024 general election

Seats here could be decided by very small numbers of votes – and will set the tone for the future direction of Scotland ahead of the 2026 Scottish Parliament election.

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A time to speak

Explore the power of connection and community through testimonies of discipleship and evangelism. Hear about how we can be advocating for our faith in politics, and explore how Christian leaders are using their voices to share the God story far and wide.

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