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Displaying 1096-1110 of 2576 results found.

Proclaiming the gospel

Making Jesus known wherever and however we can

News & views

News, comment and thought leadership

Vulnerable & at risk

Caring for society's most vulnerable groups

Family & education

Supporting parents in home schooling and activities

Money matters

Overcoming financial difficulties

Online resources for children and young people

Counties Sharing the gospel with communities through evangelism, training and resources. Kapow Kids' Events produces a weekly resource for families. Teach me to teach too A Facebook page from Elim Pentecostal Church, Aberystwyth, with regular resources added for teaching children at home during the…

The Comeback

If you have been impacted by the message shared in this video and would like to know more about becoming a follower of Jesus then we’d recommend you head to our friends at For more spoken word pieces and videos on sharing the greatest story ever told check out…

Five top tips for family during lockdown

Jo Frost and husband Andy are working at home, their kids are at home and everything has shifted. Here are their five ideas on how they, as a family, are going to navigate some of the challenges we're all facing in lockdown. Check out the Kitchen Table Project on Facebook and Youtube for more…

Connecting churches with the most vulnerable

These are troubling times: it is a time of shock and it is a time of lament, and we know there are hard days ahead. But it is also a time for us to reach out – however we safely can – to help those in greatest need. The restrictions we are living under does not remove our obligation to care for…

2 April 2020
Danny Webster

Hope 15:13 – pray, prepare and proclaim

The global initiative, which offers a model for churches to respond to the pandemic, lays out a clear strategy where prayer, staying safe and sharing the hope of Jesus work in tandem to help people who are desperately searching for assurance find it through a relationship with Christ. The…

2 April 2020
Naomi Osinnowo

How can we support NHS workers during the coronavirus pandemic?

This series of videos from Dr John Greenall of the Christian Medical Fellowship explores how we can answer this question. You can hear more stories from the Christian Medical Fellowship at their podcast series Voices from the frontline.The Christian Medical Fellowship are members of the Evangelical…

Holyrood's response to the coronavirus pandemic

On Wednesday, 1 April, the Scottish Parliament unanimously passed the emergency Coronavirus (Scotland) Bill. Its purpose was primarily to make changes within Holyrood’s devolved powers of housing and justice, and it was introduced, amended and passed within a single day. These are the key…

6 April 2020
Chris Ringland

Praying for the UK's police officers

They subsequently face long tours of duty and cancelled rest days, all the while carrying the same concerns about their health that everyone else does. Yet, they are still out on the streets of the UK every day, 24/7, supporting the coronavirus response and protecting our communities. We at the…

7 April 2020
Lee Russell

Silence, grief and the everlasting hope

In the UK we are fortunate that, so far, we have been spared the scenes of hospitals overflowing with patients fighting for their lives as seen in Italy, Spain and New York. The talk of parks being dug up as temporary resting places for the deceased the system cannot cope with shocks us into…

8 April 2020
Danny Webster