Ruth Walker

Ruth Walker

Ruth Walker is a mentoring and strategy specialist who has a passion to equip and train people to live every day as disciples in their workplace. A non-executive director and chair of a number of charities including the Scottish Public Leaders programme, Ruth is also a board member of Bethany Christian Trust and the Evangelical Alliance. Ruth also serves as LICC’s ambassador for its transforming work programme and as a member of a local Baptist church. She is married with two adult children.

What does leadership require in a time such as this?

15 April 2020But the challenge at the moment is that the runway seems to have disappeared. As a result, I’m considering if my approach has to change in this season of COVID-19. It’s interesting that reflecting on the story of Esther you find someone thrust from safety one day into great uncertainty the next. Here is a woman placed in a position of influence. Wise, discreet, discerning, watchful and understanding of how palace business works. She’s open and willing to take advice. The most senior official…