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Displaying 1051-1065 of 2670 results found.

Brexit: Is it an opportunity for the church?

Whether you are passionately celebrating, or convinced we are making a terrible mistake, or just plain fed up with the whole thing, there is no doubt that this is a significant moment in our recent national history. Brexit, it appears, does indeed mean Brexit.After so many words have been written…

30 January 2020
Kieran Turner

The curious case of Franklin, free speech and the venue police

When footballer Mesut Özil tweeted his support for the Uighur people, who are oppressed for their faith in China, the Chinese authorities refused to broadcast Arsenal's matches. Here, private landlords and local councils are being pressured to cancel events with 'unsavoury' speakers, ironically in…

31 January 2020
Peter Lynas

Public Leader Scotland: Weekend update

The diversity, breadth of experience and potential amongst participants in the room made for an incredibly inspiring weekend as we engaged with guest speakers and prayed together.The newly-appointed UK director of the Evangelical Alliance, Peter Lynas, opened the weekend with a session on engaging…

6 February 2020
Chris Ringland

Ministering to the dying: A matter of life and death

“My only aim is to complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace” (Acts 20:24). These words of Paul were on my mind when I became a member of the pastoral team at the local hospice. I had assumed it would be part of my responsibility not only…

17 February 2020
Wendy Gleadle

Families hit hard by the crisis. People seeking Jesus.

The fact is, while our church buildings have been shut, the church is more open than ever. People like you have stepped into the gap. But today, as we navigate ‘the new normal,’ we face a now-or-never moment. The UK church response needs to scale up, get smarter, and be even more united and…

Christ's teachings – a sure foundation

As I watched the news, following the trail of destruction left by Storm Ciara, I saw an awful and heart-wrenching video of a guest house in Hawick, a victim to flooding, as part of the building slid into the racing river below. I could not help but remember the parable of the two men who built…

13 February 2020

Pause for thought

How long is your to-do list today? Church, family, work, friends, exercise... our lives are filled with so much to do and so many people to see. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. Or perhaps you are in one of life’s seasons of isolation and loneliness where the days…

Cornerstone Resources

Cornerstone Resources are qualified HR professionals and established Christian leaders. They partner with churches and faith-based organisations to help them be the best employers they can be. Cornerstone support churches to: Get the basics right (contracts, policies, governance, processes)Recruit…

Challenging substance abuse

The demographics of drug use are staggering: most users start at the age of 15, the vast majority are men (70 per cent) who live in deprived areas, a substantial percentage is concentrated in and around Glasgow. The drug-related death toll is rising at an alarming rate – a 27 per cent increase in…

19 February 2020
Christine Uhlig

Shoulder to shoulder in the storm

With heavy rainfall predicted over the next few days, these figures will probably be even higher by the time you read this. In the UK, churches are often amongst the first to open their doors to disaster-hit communities. On Monday, Herefordshire Council tweeted that the vicar of St Martin’s Church…

20 February 2020
Abi Jarvis

Lent: Jesus, fully sharing in our humanity

In the past, I’ve given up various things for Lent. I think one of the most insightful times I’ve had was when my wife and I gave up TV. All of a sudden, we had so much free time. However, this year, as I’ve pondered what I might do to mark Lent, I’ve realised that I’ve spent a lot of time thinking…

27 February 2020
Richard Powney

Scottish Christian charities unite to respond to coronavirus

The leaders of 12 Christian charities are today alerting the Scottish Government to the unique role they and the local church are playing during the coronavirus outbreak. In a letter to the First Minister, charities describe how in the weeks and months ahead, many more people will feel the need to…

17 April 2020

How can we show our Christian identity in sport?

We are strange beings. Joyful when our sport stars are triumphant but then rub our hands with glee if they are caught cheating, gambling or 'playing away'. What does that say of us who are often so quick to judge when we have never had to experience the surreal world they live in? Are we that…

28 February 2020
Martin Lewis

Gambling with lives

The event coincided with the climax of the Big Step Campaign’s 100-mile walk, a campaign seeking to persuade football clubs to reassess their relationships with gambling companies, and support people addicted to gambling. The charity’s message in Parliament was stark. Since their last…

28 February 2020
John Coleby

Coronavirus: advice and resources

UPDATED - 11 June 2020 – this page has now largely been superseded by our reopening guidance and FAQs which is available here.