Martin Lewis headshot

Martin Lewis

Martin is a former top-class rugby player. He is currently the chaplain for the Cardiff Blues and director of Sports Chaplaincy UK for Wales. Married to the amazing Heather, he has three adult children and three grandsons. He attends Highfields Church, Cardiff, where he previously headed up the men's work for 10 years. He is a regular public speaker.

How can we show our Christian identity in sport?

28 February 2020We are strange beings. Joyful when our sport stars are triumphant but then rub our hands with glee if they are caught cheating, gambling or 'playing away'. What does that say of us who are often so quick to judge when we have never had to experience the surreal world they live in? Are we that perfect we can “cast the first stone”? Like you and me, they are human! Indeed, how can any Christian expect to survive let alone thrive in such a cauldron, especially with the huge peer pressure to…