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Displaying 991-1005 of 2576 results found.

Christians needed to champion a healthier culture

There’s an injustice that many diseases including obesity, heart disease and type 2 diabetes could be prevented, or better managed, by adopting healthier lifestyle patterns. We know these diseases impact individuals, society and the NHS, but what does this have to do with the church and can we…

20 January 2020
Niky Dix

Leadership in 2020

We’re so encouraged by what they told us – God is doing some amazing things through His people in the UK!

17 January 2020
Abi Jarvis

“My home is in heaven. I’m just travelling through this world.”

Like no other person in history, Billy Graham’s life and his dedication to the great commission allowed billions to hear the good news. During his lifetime, Dr Graham preached to live audiences of nearly 215 million people in more than 185 countries around the world. An estimated two billion people…

21 February 2018
Evangelical Alliance

5 ways to start a conversation about your faith

There are a few differing statistics on this, but what is for sure is that the vast, vast majority of people who end up becoming followers of Jesus do so, humanly speaking, in the context of a friendship with someone who already loves God. My tips presuppose that we are being 'up close and…

5 January 2017
Gary Gibbs

A dummies guide to reverse mission

If you live in an urban part of the UK, you have probably noticed the many African, Latin American, Caribbean and Asian churches and Christians in Britain. Perhaps you’ve wondered why all these people are coming and starting churches in the UK? One popular phrase used to describe this activity is…

A mission field we can't ignore

Earlier in the year I was at a Conference in Harrogate. The event saw 2000 church leaders gathered from around Europe. I was working on a stand exhibiting for Christian Vision. During the conference, I had a discussion with a leader who denounced our work on the basis that social media is a largely…

11 January 2017
Gareth Fitzpatrick

A pathway to praying with friends

A few years ago we were buying a 'new' car from a car dealership. My wife asked if we could have a couple of minutes to pray about the decision, so 'John', the salesman, left us alone to pray. I was curious to know what he thought about us praying, so before we left I mentioned that I was wondering…

9 May 2018
Suneel Shivdasani

All it takes is a yes from you

The text comes in from the lads – "The wives are away, let’s meet up". Mike and Craig are two great friends who are part of the church I belong to."What are we going to do?" I reply."Indian and a beer" is the answer. We arrange to go to a restaurant near Mike, arrive and order the food. We’re…

16 October 2016
Wayne Davies

Angels on our streets

It all started in a stuffy church meeting. We were discussing plans for our church’s 50th birthday. I was 25 years old, idealistic and not particularly designed to sit still in church meetings. Frustrated by the predictable plans for a church birthday celebration involving quiche, a quiz and a few…

7 August 2019
Phil Knox

Are all welcome?

I'm passionate about seeing every church welcoming the stranger and discipling the nations. One really effective way of doing that is through Welcome Boxes. This is where trained volunteers deliver a Welcome Box filled with small gifts and local information to refugees who have recently arrived in…

27 September 2019
Emily Holden

As the seasons change

In my head, it was supposed to work out something like this… “I didn’t believe in Jesus but now you’ve argued with me for an hour, I see I was completely wrong. Can I give my life to Christ?” In the impetuous days of my youth, arguing seemed like a really good evangelism strategy. Seeing that…

5 March 2019
Dee Balshaw

Ashamed of the Gospel?

The UK church can often seem to have lost some of its confidence in the gospel. This is very unlike Paul, who says in Romans 1:14–16:"I'm obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish. That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are at Rome. I'm not…

29 September 2016
Gavin Calver

Breaking out of the Christian bubble

Christians were never really supposed to only have Christian friends. But how easy it is for us to find ourselves surrounded by other Jesus followers. How easy it is for us to slip into comfortable church life and busy ourselves with all the rotas we’re on – putting the chairs out, Sunday School,…

25 October 2016
Chine McDonald

Can I be a scientist and a Christian?

I haven’t always believed in God. From an early age, I knew I wanted to be a scientist. At school, I was naturally drawn to the sciences and mathematics, finding English essays more stressful. My A-level biology teacher recommended I read ‘The Selfish Gene’ by Richard Dawkins, and I remember…

25 May 2019
Sharon Dirckx

Catching faith: raised in a Christian home

I grew up in a Christian home. Those of you with that classic testimony-opener will know what I’m talking about. Childhood involved multiple showings of ‘The Miracle Maker’ and tugging on your mum’s sleeve every week after her ‘final’ post-church coffee… Mine was a typical Christian upbringing. My…

20 March 2019
Gina Vaughan