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Displaying 616-630 of 2576 results found.

Heading to the hills?

After a frenzied campaigning period, polling day itself is rather strange. Generally, electoral rules prohibit broadcasters and other media outlets from reporting on an election campaign or predictions until the polls close. Our plethora of political pundits, who are used to making predictions and…

23 May 2019
John Coleby

Church comms improvement project

Do you ever walk past a church notice board that makes you want to weep? Have you looked for a local church online and found its website impossible to navigate or non-existent? Have you had an offensively ugly flyer through your door inviting you to a church event and wished such an important…

24 May 2019
Jo Swinney

Renewal Christian Centre, Solihull: new leader, renewed mission

This led to a series of encounters, including getting caught on the school’s CCTV praying around the grounds at midnight, witnessing to sports teams in local pubs, and spending all his waking hours reading the Bible. Jonny’s love for people, sport, reading and travel always taught him to enjoy the…

26 June 2019
Naomi Osinnowo

The roots of good leadership

With nominations closing on Monday, 10 June, 11 candidates have already announced that they will definitely run and at least half a dozen are thought to be considering entering the contest. It is likely the field will thin out by the time of the first votes of the parliamentary party in mid-June,…

30 May 2019
Danny Webster

Compassion UK: campaigns that change lives

After David Lammy MP lambasted Comic Relief this year for continuously using “tired, unhelpful tropes” in its fundraising for African communities, the London-based politician renewed his plea for fresh imagery that celebrates the progress made within the continent, rather than marketing collateral…

10 June 2019
Joanna Sopylo-Firrisa

Prayers during June 2019

Thank you for joining with us in prayer this month!

Christian Music Ministries: Musicals for Mission

Sometimes it is difficult to invite your neighbour to come to a church service. But if you tell them you’re singing in a choir, the conversation is a lot easier. Over the last 40 years Christian Music Ministries has found using musicals is an excellent way to bring people to Jesus, and with…

Could the church end homelessness?

The founder and director of Green Pastures CBS Limited spoke with conviction about the plights of homeless people around the country and what his Christian organisation can do, with the support of the church, to make available much-needed adequate housing for those living in insecure accommodation…

8 July 2019
Naomi Osinnowo

D-Day: preparing the way

What my grandad didn’t know was that his older brother, Ron, had been on the MMS28 in the preceding days, sweeping through those very same waters to check for Nazi minefields. Having had little to no contact during the war, the brothers couldn’t have known each other’s whereabouts, but as…

6 June 2019
Eve Paterson

Barking Churches Unite: taking faith onto the streets

Michael, who has worked for many years as a teacher of special needs children, shared that around the time of his fiftieth birthday, and during a week at Spring Harvest, he had become convinced that God was calling him to begin a ministry leading and promoting joint church initiatives. When he…

15 July 2019
Graham Hedges

A compelling theology for environmental responsibility

This question had been growing in my heart for some decades, and is becoming increasingly urgent. But where does my concern for climate change and environmental responsibility (‘creation care’) sit theologically? How far should it change my life? Other evangelical Christians are no doubt asking…

3 September 2019
Andrew Basden

Welcome Churches

Welcome Churches are launching a Welcome Network, a national network of churches committed to welcoming refugees and asylum seekers into their communities, reducing the isolation of thousands of refugees each year: ‘Before I found the church I was really struggling. All my family was gone. I felt…

Welcoming the 'stranger'

There are 68 million refugees across the globe who are fleeing war, conflict and persecution today. Each one of these people represents a very personal story. Take Abbas, a young man from Iraq. He fled Iraq after ISIS killed every member of his family whilst he was away from his village. His life…

12 June 2019
Emily Holden

A heritage from the Lord

I don’t have children, but I recognise the crucial role that early years child care provision can play. If I’m honest, my main memory from play school is being called Abigail and not recognising it as my own name (I was always Abi). What I only understand as an adult is that my time at play school…

13 June 2019
Abi Jarvis

Through the Roof: painting a picture of a Church that Cares

The Christian pan-disability charity Through the Roof has just released its latest publication, A Church That Cares - What does good pastoral care look like for families affected by disability? A Church that Cares is full of concrete suggestions and examples to make the task seem less daunting.…