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Displaying 2191-2205 of 2584 results found.

Heart Behind the Art: an interview with Emily Feltham

Emily, 33, has a huge sense of FOMO and wants to join in every interesting conversation she overhears around her. Friends might even joke that she has an opinion on everything, and that those opinions are liable to change, but Emily says she just loves other people and is curious about exploring…

31 March 2023
Helen Locke

2023 World Watch List shows urgent need for prayer and action

More than 90 MPs attended, and heard stories from persecuted Christians, research, and recommendations on global persecution – which is at its highest levels in 30 years. So, where are the current hotspots of persecution and how can we support and learn from our persecuted brothers and sisters in…

23 January 2023
Evangelical Alliance

Education resources and links

As Christian mums, dads, or carers we have a significant opportunity to encourage and disciple our children as part of their education during this time. We hope these resources help you do this by God's grace and for His glory. Resources from our members Care for the Family Top Tips for Christian…

Christmas (on Energize)

Energize enables you to access high-quality, age-appropriate, Bible-based resources for every stage of a young person’s development. Energize is packed with ideas on how to share the Christmas story in fresh ways in your group.

Easter (On Energize)

Energize enables you to access high-quality, age-appropriate, Bible-based resources for every stage of a young person’s development. Energize is packed with ideas on how to share the Easter story in fresh ways in your group.

Gender recognition & Scottish devolution: How can we respond?

In December 2022, after around 140 proposed amendments to the Bill were debated and voted on, the Scottish parliament voted to pass the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill into law by 86 votes to 39. In short, the Bill would make it easier for someone to successfully apply for a gender…

23 January 2023
Chris Ringland


It’s faith... but not as we know it. Or is it? We have gone through the emotional, spiritual and physical turmoil of a pandemic. We all live with the scars. We are experiencing a cost of living crisis and there is a horrific and barbaric war in Europe. How has all this affected our faith,…

What the government must consider in its upcoming conversion therapy bill

Legislating in this area is fraught with risks of restricting individual freedoms, conversations between parents and children, and the everyday practices of churches. We know this from legislation passed in different parts of the world, from proposals considered across the UK, and legal opinions…

25 January 2023
Danny Webster

The Young Adults Conversation

The church in the UK is missing a generation of young adults from our congregations. But the majority of church leaders are looking to change that. Phil Knox, head of mission to young adults at the Evangelical Alliance, is supporting churches to think again about engaging young adults in a life of…

Story Bearer book

Most of us struggle with sharing our faith, but armed with a few simple tools and a fresh perspective, this book will inspire you, encourage you and equip you to confidently and naturally help your friends know they are part of the most important story in the world. Story Bearer will help…

Holocaust Memorial Day: How can we reconcile faith and suffering?

At one point, a Polish man halted just an arm’s length in front of me. “You’re a Jew,” he said. “And you’ve come to this city to tell me about your Jesus.” He shook his head, bewildered and deeply pained. “If there’s anyone who should understand that God doesn’t exist, it’s you.” I answered softly.…

26 January 2023
Avi Snyder

Why are we so obsessed with Harry?

Prince Harry is everywhere. But why it is we seem to care so much? What is it about Harry and Megan that has so captured our imagination? What is with our obsession with all things royal? Could it be that – despite all the power and the privilege – we recognise the humanity of Harry's story? His…

Bishops' proposals depart from orthodox teaching. The Church of England needs our prayers for courage and conviction

To my evangelical brothers and sisters, I wanted to write to you, as a wider family of evangelicals, in this incredibly important moment that we find ourselves in. Like many of us, the Church of England has had a tremendous influence on my discipleship. It has the potential to shape and model to…

1 February 2023
Gavin Calver

How to grow faith in a cost of living crisis

People have been going without food and heating as prices rise and even essential living costs have become unaffordable. But in these desperate times, there is a beacon of hope; cutting through the darkness is the light of the UK church. To address the need, churches have been opening their doors…

3 February 2023
Ellie Gage

Perspective: Talking Mission & Evangelism

It’s time to gain a fresh perspective and to together bring the hope of Jesus to our nation. A series of online webinar-style dialogues, aimed at Church leaders, ministry leaders, and all those with a passion for mission and evangelism. With relevant themes and input from experienced practitioners…