Evangelical Alliance

Evangelicals encouraged to think faithfully about politics

23 May 2024The Evangelical Alliance is resourcing churches and Christians across the UK to respond in a way that places their faith in Jesus at the centre of their political engagement. The organisation recently released Thinking faithfully about politics, based on a survey of nearly 1,400 evangelicals in the UK and found a high appetite for engagement in politics, diverse opinions and priorities, and frustration at how the political system operates. The report also set out that policies which support…


2023 World Watch List shows urgent need for prayer and action

23 January 2023More than 90 MPs attended, and heard stories from persecuted Christians, research, and recommendations on global persecution – which is at its highest levels in 30 years. So, where are the current hotspots of persecution and how can we support and learn from our persecuted brothers and sisters in 2023? Thousands more church attacks, large-scale displacement – and Christians paying the ultimate price The top five countries where it is most dangerous to be a Christian are: North Korea, Somalia,…


“I have indeed seen His faithfulness”

8 September 2022Perhaps the first known outward sign of the Queen’s deeply held faith was when she was 13 years old. The young Elizabeth handed a Christian poem to her father which read: “Go out into the darkness, and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way.” The King went on to quote this poem in his 1939 Christmas speech to encourage Britons facing the challenges of a second war. Elizabeth dedicated her life to her people (and asked for prayer)…


Meet Manoj Raithatha, our new board chair

5 January 2022Can you tell us a bit about yourself - how did you find God? When sharing my faith with others, I often say God ‘found me’, as opposed to the other way around. I was raised a Hindu but as a teenager became fascinated by the message of the gospel as shared by my then school headmaster. However, it would be more than twenty years later when I would make a commitment to Christ, following the miraculous healing of my two-year-old son after friends prayed to Jesus. Seeing the manifestation of God’s…


Thank you to Dr Tani Omideyi, our outgoing board chair

5 January 2022Can you tell us a bit about yourself - how did you find God? I was born into a Christian family with both parents strong believers, and my dad was an accomplished and highly skilled church organist, so I went to church from when I was born. I made a personal commitment to follow Jesus Christ as Lord when I was in secondary school, aged 13 years, after a couple of experiences that demonstrated the awesome power of God. It was not a question of finding Him, rather one of surrendering to follow…


Stewardship: "Churches should act now to avoid drop in donations"

18 October 2021Virgin Money announced in August this year that its fundraising website, which has helped 20,000 charities and more than one million fundraisers raise more than £900m online, will be wound down after the 2021 London Marathon in October as it requires significant investment to remain competitive. Stewardship is keen to alert churches of this "shock announcement" and is encouraging Evangelical Alliance members to make moving to another platform a priority. Delaying action, Stewardship says,…


Rev Dr Joel Edwards CBE: his lasting legacy

30 June 2021Joel Edwards leaves behind an inspiring legacy of unity in diversity, social engagement and Christ-centred service. A unifier across evangelical constituencies, he confidently promoted his evangelical faith and values in the public square, as general director of the Evangelical Alliance and in other prominent public leadership positions, social engagement initiatives and media appearances. “Joel was an outstanding leader and communicator,” says Gavin Calver, CEO of the Evangelical Alliance. “He…


Starmer’s treatment of Jesus House is a “concerted attack” on freedom of religion

9 April 2021This comes just days after the senior pastor and his church, Jesus House in north-west London, were subjected to a “torrent of hate-filled, abusive and bullysome” messages after Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said his visit to the church’s pop-up vaccination centre on Good Friday was a mistake and apologised, tweeting that he was unaware of the church’s views on LGBT+ rights. We spoke to Pastor Agu to find out more and explore what the UK church can do when it comes under fire for holding to…


“My home is in heaven. I’m just travelling through this world.”

21 February 2018Like no other person in history, Billy Graham’s life and his dedication to the great commission allowed billions to hear the good news. During his lifetime, Dr Graham preached to live audiences of nearly 215 million people in more than 185 countries around the world. An estimated two billion people have heard his messages through television, video, film and the internet. He once said: “My one purpose in life is to help people find a personal relationship with God, which I believe comes through…