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Displaying 2056-2070 of 2576 results found.

“COL”: now a universal acronym

UK inflation rates have hit levels we haven’t seen in 30 years, eye watering energy prices are predicted to rise again, and Northern Ireland tops the list of areas in the UK where the percentage of households is predicted to fall into fuel poverty by a whopping 76.3% by January 2023. The…

30 August 2022
Danielle McElhinney

Like. Follow. Scroll. Repeat.

As a Christian, I will not disappoint. But before I go in on the ills of social media, I want to acknowledge its nuances. I am genuinely grateful to God that it exists. Social media isn’t bad As one who is blessed and destined to spend my life in dark brown skin, I am thankful that social media…

1 September 2022
Damilola Makinde

BeReal: Is social media becoming more human? | Being Human

Catch Emma in this quick take for the Being Human project as she sheds light on the latest social media app currently trending – BeReal

Prayer for a new prime minister

Join us in prayer for our new prime minister

Cost of living crisis: share your experience of supporting others

Increased energy costs cause higher levels of debt, food poverty, child poverty, fuel poverty and poor health and mental wellbeing – not to mention the many other social issues that become more prominent in areas with high poverty levels. This is why as the church, it is important that we do not…

5 September 2022
Nicola Martin

How could employment law changes affect your church?

On 20 July, the supreme court reached a verdict that fundamentally changes the way part-year and zero hour employees receive holidays. Holiday pay for people who don’t work a set pattern has often been a tricky issue. Most employers have used a method called the ‘conformity principle’, which is…

5 September 2022
Rob and Nicci Birley

"I think I’ve just seen my sister for the last time."

When standing alongside bereaved friends, we feel helpless and often don’t feel like we are doing the right thing. Here is some useful advice on how to be a good friend during their time of grief: The power of presence. At times of deep sadness, sometimes we want to be alone. But often we want our…

6 September 2022
Phil Knox

Jesus is the Light?

Jesus is the light? is Scripture Union's brand new Halloween and October half term resource that introduces children to Jesus as the light of the world! Packed with games and activities, this easy-to-use guide is purposely designed to be understood by children from both churched and unchurched…

“I have indeed seen His faithfulness”

Perhaps the first known outward sign of the Queen’s deeply held faith was when she was 13 years old. The young Elizabeth handed a Christian poem to her father which read: “Go out into the darkness, and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a…

8 September 2022
Evangelical Alliance

Prayer of thanksgiving for the life of her majesty the Queen

Great and gracious God, We give thanks to you for the life of your servant Queen Elizabeth II. We thank you for her life of service, her faithfulness and her kindness. She has consistently shown us the values of goodness, courage and strength. Lord, we give thanks. We thank you for her witness to…

The power of a cuppa (or ‘chai’ for us Iranians)

It was more than a decade ago that my husband and I left Iran to pursue higher education in a neighbouring country. Our plans fell through. The year that followed was the most difficult of our lives: living as refugees was lonely and demoralising. The lowest point was the week we had to sleep on…

27 September 2022
Bahar Shahbi

Should Christians attend secular music festivals?

For as long as I can remember, I have always attended Notting Hill Carnival. It was a whole family affair: Mum, aunts, cousins and siblings in tow, in overwhelming anticipation we'd make our way to West London for the two-day event to celebrate our Caribbean heritage of our native island of…

23 September 2022
Nicola Morrison

The world needs good neighbours

Against the backdrop of today’s western post-Christian society, what is love? Those of you who enjoyed pop music in the 90s will know a singer called Haddaway attempted to answer that very question, and there have been many musicians, philosophers and writers before and after him who have reflected…

27 September 2022
Carl Knightly

Young adults: Let's talk mental health in church

Opening up the conversation We can be uncomfortable with disclosures about mental health problems, and sometimes inadvertently make unhealthy assumptions that are counter-productive. There is, however, sound scriptural grounds to believe God cares about our souls – the seat of our emotions, will…

14 September 2022
Dr Ayodele Ajayi

Book a Talking Jesus workshop

Have you read the Talking Jesus report yet? It’s part of a six-way partnership aiming to map the UK landscape in terms of evangelism by finding out: non-Christians’ perceptions of both the church and Christians; how Christians feel about sharing faith; and how effectively the church is making Jesus…