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Displaying 1951-1965 of 2576 results found.

VAWG series: Here's what you need to know about the Domestic Abuse Plan

For the first time in UK history, the Act produced a legal definition of domestic abuse informed by the survivors’ experiences. The law criminalises physical and sexual violence alongside emotional economic manipulation and coercive and controlling behaviour within marriage, civil partnerships…

6 April 2022
Alicia Edmund

Liverpool city region's church leader's dinner

These last few years have been some of the hardest in living memory to lead a church. So, we are hosting a dinner for church leaders across the Liverpool City Region. We would love to honour and thank you for the way that you have tirelessly and sacrificially served the church in this season. We…

Let's talk about loneliness

Do you know the impact of loneliness on our mental health? Do you know that God cares? The One People Commission and The NOUS organisation mark mental health awareness week with informative talks addressing the issue of loneliness with a particular focus on young adults between the ages of 18-30…

Learning to 'go' as a church

When Mission24 offered us the opportunity to host their School of Ministry and Mission, we jumped at the chance. It was wonderful to see our budding evangelists equipped and trained up over the year, then sent out on mission. We shared the gospel on the streets, in the parks and even door to door –…

7 April 2022
Linz Daun

Holy Week prayer

Give us the courage to walk through this Holy Week with compassion and hope.

Could tweeting Bible verses land you in jail?

As a result, she was investigated under the Finnish Criminal Code for the offence of “ethnic agitation” which could result in imprisonment for up to two years. The investigation by the prosecutors also drew in a pamphlet that she had written in 2004 on human sexuality for a Christian foundation.…

8 April 2022
Danny Webster

Student Vote '22 event

The hustings covered four key areas, featuring an audience poll for each topic and ending with an open Q&A from the floor. Education We asked the crowd to vote via the app, on the question: “As a student, how satisfied are you that you are getting value for money in your university…

8 April 2022
Richard Martin

Learning another way

Alongside working with women addressing inequality and sexual and gender-based violence, Tearfund – a Christian international development charity – is training men up to be Gender Champions. These are often local church leaders, who bravely challenge men and boys’ beliefs, behaviours and actions.…

10 April 2022
Prabu Deepan

Trying to go it alone in mission? Don’t!

“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.” (1 Corinthians 12:12) As Christians, we have been called to be bold participants in the missio dei, God’s mission for the world. This great commission is not about…

25 April 2022
Natasha Klukach

Speak Life Foundry: Discipling young people in their creativity and evangelism

“It’s an adjective,” I whisper to myself, “not a noun”. Maybe that makes me sound square and stiff and old, but I work with a lot of them. Young creative types, that is. You know, photographers and graphic designers and more “spoken word” artists than you could emphatically shake. A Stick. At. In…

12 April 2022
Nate Morgan Locke

Poverty in the UK: what the church can do now

There are currently 14.5 million people in poverty in the UK according to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. This is 22 per cent of the UK population, equivalent to 15 people on an average double-decker bus being in a financially vulnerable position. But poverty is not just about numbers; it affects…

13 April 2022
Juliette Flach

What kind of Messiah?

And as we read the events of Holy Week, it is with this same excitement that the crowds eventually greet Jesus on His entry into Jerusalem. “Hosanna!” they shout, meaning praise –but simultaneously ‘Lord, save us’. The Jewish people had been waiting hundreds of years for a chosen one, a rescuer,…

14 April 2022
Emma Sowden

"Taking back control of our borders", but at what cost?

Journalists were briefed late last night of a possible scheme where asylum seekers who arrive in the UK would be sent 6,000 miles to Rwanda to be processed. The home secretary Priti Patel later tweeted a picture of her stepping off the plane in Kigali, Rwanda, writing, “...a significant moment for…

14 April 2022
Alicia Edmund

What kind of news? | Being Human

Catch Emma on this week’s quick take as she reminds us of a different kind of news, one that transforms despair into hope.

NOW CLOSED Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill consultation

Through the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) it is possible for those diagnosed with gender dysphoria and over 18 to legally change their gender. Transgender adults can apply to what is a called a 'Gender Recognition Panel' to change their birth certificate (and receive what is known as a gender…