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Displaying 166-180 of 2669 results found.

Impact report 2014-2015

Find out what the Evangelical Alliance got up to in 2014-2015

Impact report 2013-2014

Find out what the Evangelical Alliance got up to in 2013-2014

Impact report 2012-2013

Find out what the Evangelical Alliance got up to in 2012-2013

Impact report 2011-2012

Find out what the Evangelical Alliance got up to in 2011-2012

Impact report 2010-2011

Find out what the Evangelical Alliance got up to in 2010-2011

Grenfell Tower: how to love your neighbour

This week was an opportunity to remember those who died in the Grenfell Tower fire in June last year.On the anniversary of the fire, people paid tribute to the 72 victims, and heard emotional and raw testimonies from their family and friends. From babies to the elderly, from disabled to ethnic…

8 June 2018

Westminster Theological Centre

The Centre deliver courses in partnership with churches across the UK. The student body is drawn from all walks of life, stretching across generations, denominations and backgrounds, recognising the unique and precious gifting of all people. WTC is committed serving at the local and to the…

How social media changed the game for 40acts

Living generously in our society is counter-cultural. Even the tradition of giving up something for Lent had become slightly self-righteous. 40acts, which was founded by Christian charity Stewardship, is about more than just taking part in a challenge to say, “we did it!”. It’s about changing a…

12 June 2018
Kezia Owusu-Yianoma

New Life Wood

“Taking lives and goods that others would discard and provide the means to see those lives and goods renewed and a valued part of our community” New Life Wood provides volunteer employment opportunities for ex-prisoners, people previously detained in mental health situations and others who have…

Fusion: Small Groups, Big Mission

Fusion believes that God is getting His church ready for a much bigger move of the Spirit across the student world. Fusion are convinced that the key to this bigger move is in the small, with every Christian student playing their part.

Services and training

Many of our member organisations provide support in services and training to help you run your church or charity excellently. Explore the resources, from safeguarding to leadership training.

New Horizon

New Horizon festival equips Christians to share Jesus and engage with challenging issues. New Horizon is seven days of equipping thousands of people of all ages through biblical teaching, worship and story, to develop a missional heart, and engage with relevant and challenging issues, all on the…

When mission takes us to a holiday cottage

If a holiday cottage could write, it would fill many a book. Visitors come and go, and the cottage is weaved into the tapestry of life. More often than not, the cottage forms the centre piece of the annual holiday highlight. It offers four walls of protection from the hustle and bustle of the daily…

18 June 2018
Jutta Devenish

Jews for Jesus says, “Behold your God, Jerusalem”

Throughout the month of May, Jews for Jesus said, “Behold Your God, Jerusalem” in an unprecedented way. More than 200 staff members and volunteers from our mission stations around the world gathered in Jerusalem to share the good news of Yeshua (Jesus) and demonstrate the love of the Messiah…

19 June 2018
Avi Snyder

Grenfell calls for societal change

Tributes, testimonies, prayers and calls for accountability continue to pour out 12 months on from the tragic Grenfell Tower fire which left 72 people dead, 70 people injured and hundreds of people homeless. Singer Beyonce and her husband, rapper Jay-Z, are among the countless number of people who…

19 June 2018
Naomi Osinnowo