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Displaying 1861-1875 of 2576 results found.

Garden parties and rules that apply to other people

On 20 May that year I was a little distracted as I was driving my wife to hospital for the second time that day. Earlier I had to wait in a corridor while she was assessed and we were then sent home. The following morning my daughter was born and when she was two hours old, I said goodbye to her…

11 January 2022
Danny Webster

Catch up now: Evangelical Alliance Leadership Conference 2022

The last two years have brought all of us to the edge of our resilience and experience, surrounded by an ever-shifting culture. But now we're also coming to the edge of what God has before us – of what is ahead. Catch up on this year’s EALC when we heard from leaders across the UK church and beyond…

Government minister: faith communities vital to pandemic recovery

Meetings and particularly events on Zoom can add to pandemic fatigue – but not yesterday. It was great to hear so many church leaders and organisations (including some Evangelical Alliance members) on the call share examples of the different ways they supported the most vulnerable in society to…

12 January 2022
Alicia Edmund

Serve the story

Perhaps you think this is awfully postmodern of me, swapping story for truth. It possibly is. But before you sigh and stop reading, don’t. I’m a young person and young people are postmodern (although often unwittingly and certainly not exclusively). I suppose we could apologise for the…

13 January 2022
Archie Catchpole

2022: New year prayer

“Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, or walk in the way of sinners, or find comfort in mockery. Blessed is the one whose delight is in the Law of the Lord, and on whose Law he meditates day and night. They will be like a tree planted by streams of water, bearing fruit…

Recovering addicts require our support and prayers

The latest statistics in Scotland have shown the worsening scale of addiction deaths and related problems in the country. In 2020, 1,337 people died from drug-related issues, the highest number registered since records began; the issue has been described as “a national shame” by Scotland’s drugs…

14 January 2022
James Loney

New years' prayer

“Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, or walk in the way of sinners, or find comfort in mockery. Blessed is the one whose delight is in the Law of the Lord, and on whose Law he meditates day and night. They will be like a tree planted by streams of water, bearing fruit…

Remembering God’s grace while we wait for the verdict

Jesus calls Christians to pursue justice, yet refrain from judging others – but how do we navigate this when a case is of such public interest? Something has uniquely challenged the way I process my thoughts and emotions in relation to public cases of this nature. I am desperate to see…

19 January 2022
Jo Evans

Wordle and the battle for our attention

Jo examines the way in which the world want to grab our attention and distract us, and how surprising it is when something doesn't.

Being Human: Listening to voices not valued

I would guess that if you are reading this you are a human, though I haven’t completely given up on the notion of literate animals (they probably find what we write to be so inane they have largely dismissed us). I suspect that our confusion about what it is to be human partly arises from our…

21 January 2022
Rose Lynas

The ripples of mission

January 2022 marks the very first Tamil Heritage Month after a recent unanimous vote by the London Assembly to recognise it as such. It offers a chance to spotlight and celebrate the contribution of the vibrant Tamil community in the UK. It also gives us an opportunity to highlight some of the…

25 January 2022
Dayalan Mahesan

How we can support Christians in Afghanistan, where faith is costliest?

Last week Open Doors published their annual report of the top 50 countries where Christians experience persecution based on their faith. As a country where religious freedom is virtually non-existent, North Korea has sat at the top of the World Watch List for the past 20 years. However, following…

26 January 2022
Nicola Martin

Hope Countryside

Hope Countryside has developed out of meetings and discussions over the past few years. It is currently a partnership between the World Prayer Centre, Agricultural Christian Fellowship, Village Hope and Top Barn Trust. Our aim is to mobilise and resource prayer for rural Britain – for farming and…

Old tweets and the importance of our words

The prime minister is “regretfully sorry” for the parties that he may or may not have attended; Doug Beattie was “ashamed and sorry” for derogatory comments he tweeted over a decade ago; and most recently, a handful of Sinn Fein politicians were also “deeply sorry” for historical sectarian slurs…

27 January 2022
Richard Martin

Conversion therapy: Ending abuse while enabling support

The UK government are in the final week of consulting on proposals that will affect England and Wales, in Scotland a parliamentary committee has recently published a report calling for a ban, and in Northern Ireland proposals are expected later this year.

28 January 2022
Danny Webster