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Displaying 1846-1860 of 2576 results found.

How to respond well to scandal and crisis

But it is also a very natural one: we can’t imagine our church ever being the subject of an investigative podcast or an independent safeguarding review. The problem is that the same would have been true for many members of Mark Driscoll’s Mars Hill, Steve Timmis’ Crowded House or Jonathan…

21 December 2021
Ed Shaw

Be Reconciled

Be Reconciled is a Gospel initiative to resource and empower the local Church in Northern Ireland in peacemaking. It is a contextual response to our troubled communities centred on the reconciling message of the Gospel. At the heart of the Gospel is a gift of reconciliation with God through Jesus…

Thank you to Dr Tani Omideyi, our outgoing board chair

Can you tell us a bit about yourself - how did you find God? I was born into a Christian family with both parents strong believers, and my dad was an accomplished and highly skilled church organist, so I went to church from when I was born. I made a personal commitment to follow Jesus Christ as…

5 January 2022
Evangelical Alliance

2022: West Africa set to become hotspot for Christian persecution

Sahel Islamist extremists are gaining ground, not only in Nigeria, but also in the Sahel region of sub-Saharan Africa. In Burkina Faso, jihadists targeted Christians in the north of the country in 2021, forcing churches to close and meet in secret. Attacks ranged from bombings, killings,…

5 January 2022
Andrew Boyd

The Evangelical Alliance welcomes the decision of the European Court of Human Rights on Ashers bakery case

Welcoming the decision of the European Court of Human Rights today, Peter Lynas, former barrister and UK director of the Evangelical Alliance commented: “After almost eight years, the saga of the not so gay cake case may finally now be over. Everyone’s human rights have been affirmed and everyone…

6 January 2022

What kind of follower?

The major point that came across was that it’s not easy to follow Jesus. The challenges are large and many. The benefits of His presence are huge. His grace and love and power are indescribably wonderful. But trying to stay close to Him and live in the radical manner He described is not easy. If…

6 January 2022
Fred Drummond

The great repair job

There was something else noticeable, too. About a quarter of those present were newcomers. We are used to welcoming around one or two new people into our church per month, so it was as if we were catching up on the backlog caused by coronavirus. Most of these newcomers have stayed with us,…

6 January 2022
David Taylor

My top 7 discipleship habits

Sharing Jesus with those who don’t yet know Him is an essential part of my everyday practice as His disciple. Being a Christian convert from a Hindu background, this could be through my mission work (I’ve been a mission partner for many years) or through everyday encounters with people, which are…

6 January 2022
Usha Reifsnider

Go and make disciples

A short time ago my wife Anne had a vision of fields ripe for harvest. Beyond the fields she could see the sun rising in the morning sky. As she prayed her sense was that the Lord might be saying that He was shining His glory on the landscape and opening our eyes to see the many that are waiting…

6 January 2022
Gavin Calver

The cross is raised

I knew back then, as I listened to the gospel message for the umpteenth time, that in these moments there was a supernatural clearing and connection of God’s Spirit to mine. I knew then that when I departed this human body I would without a doubt be held to answer for life’s most important…

6 January 2022
Ruthie Thomas

Being Jesus' feet on the street

We’re one of the oldest Pentecostal churches around. Being right on Northumberland Park, near Tottenham Hotspur football stadium, we get heavy footfall, so we try to engage with the community in practical ways and let people know we’re here. The local community is diverse, made up of a range of…

6 January 2022
Helen Locke

Being human: How performance culture affects our mental health

I have. I remember being at university, lying in bed and feeling this heavy weight on me. I couldn’t seem to find the strength to make it through another moment, let alone another day. I had just found out that my house in London was about to be repossessed, while I was at university all the way in…

7 January 2022
Kheri-Ann Wiggins

Is Ghislaine Maxwell evil or human? | Being Human

In this week's quick take, Peter Lynas considers the recently convicted sex trafficker and former socialite Ghislaine Maxwell.

The not-so-gay cake

The case dates back to 2014 when Mr Lee, a gay rights activist, asked Ashers bakery to make a cake with the slogan ‘Support Gay Marriage’ on it. The McArthur family, who own Ashers bakery, run a successful Christian family business. The name was derived from Genesis 49:20: “Bread from Asher shall…

11 January 2022
Peter Lynas