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Displaying 1816-1830 of 2576 results found.

To mask or not to mask? | Being Human

Peter hones in on the latest announcements around the lifting of coronavirus restrictions.

Who is your neighbour? | Being Human

What happens when a person’s humanity is invalidated, their dignity questioned, and they are viewed as ‘the other’?

Can Shamima Begum be forgiven? | Being Human

Confronting our culture's problem with forgiveness.

Having the conversation | Being Human

Speech can so often enable connection or sever it.

Being Human quick takes

Take a dive behind the leading stories of today and see what's new in the Being Human project with Peter and Jo.

Is saving souls all that matters?

One recent scientific study argued that based on our current trajectory, almost all of the world’s coral reefs will be gone by 2050, by which time the ocean may contain (by weight) more plastic than fish. It’s a bleak picture. Apart from a handful of vocal conspiracy theorists, the overwhelming…

24 November 2021
Andy Palmer

Gathered church is back but habits are changing, says new Evangelical Alliance report

Gathered church is back but habits have changed, says the Evangelical Alliance today as it publishes its latest Changing Church report, providing insights into the new landscape of the UK evangelical church. This research suggests that the pandemic is impacting people’s habits in relation to church…

25 November 2021

Being human: real image-bearing from rooted imagination

Was your first response to deliver a dictionary definition? What about a scientific, medical explanation? Probably not. These three words evoke an image in your mind, maybe a memory or experience – and then stir up a sensation or emotion. Through these words we can share our experiences of life,…

26 November 2021
Donna Jennings

Urgent action needed: Nationality and Borders bill

Recent headlines share the harrowing stories of men, women and children drowning in the English Channel in search of a life free from persecution and exploitation. Jesus calls those who love Him to love our neighbours and care for the needs of others. We can do this not only through providing aid…

1 December 2021
Jo Evans

How to have your say on the consultation to ban conversion therapy

Watch this 15-minute video in which our advocacy team walk you through how you can respond to the consultation.

Advent prayer

"Out of the stump of David's family will grow a shoot– yes, a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him – the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord... In that day the heir of…

Meet Manoj Raithatha, our new board chair

Can you tell us a bit about yourself - how did you find God? When sharing my faith with others, I often say God ‘found me’, as opposed to the other way around. I was raised a Hindu but as a teenager became fascinated by the message of the gospel as shared by my then school headmaster. However, it…

5 January 2022
Evangelical Alliance

We are all Kevin McCallister

In the Knox house, next week we will wrap presents while getting angry with Alan Rickman for breaking Emma Thompson's heart in Love Actually. Soon, hopefully with at least one eye on the football, I will have to endure The Holiday. Then, Bruce Willis will throw Alan Rickman off the Nakatomi tower…

3 December 2021
Phil Knox

New book on discipleship, suffering and racial justice

Tell us a little bit about the new book. The book explores the themes of whole-life discipleship, suffering and racial justice. On the surface these three themes appear separate but through a closer look with an integral lens one realises that they are connected. The book looks at suffering from…

8 December 2021
Helen Locke