Leading on the edge.
The last two years have brought all of us to the edge of our resilience and experience, surrounded by an ever-shifting culture. But now we’re also coming to the edge of what God has before us – of what is ahead. Catch up on this year’s EALC when we heard from leaders across the UK church and beyond as they shared what they hear God is saying to His church, as we stand on the edge and pray and intercede for our communities and the things to come.
The evening was made up of a mixture of interviews, prayers and short talks. We heard from leaders sharing insight about the cultural shifts happening around us, as well as what they sense God is saying to the UK church at this moment.
Our speakers included: Amy Orr-Erwing, Carl Trueman, Fred Drummond, Preethy Kurian and Gavin Calver. And it was wonderful to also be joined by Kate Forbes MSP for an interview on life in public leadership.
Catch up on the full recording of the event above, including worship by Lou and Nathan Fellingham.
The recording is free and available to all. Why not share the event with your friends, church or network?
Gavin Calver
Fred Drummond
Head of prayer
Being Human
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