Right now there is a public consultation on a plan to address the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable children and young people. The consultation is open until 13 November and we are encouraging you to respond.
The COVID-19 Vulnerable Children and Young People’s Plan is being developed on a cross-department basis, led by the Department of Health and including DfC, DE, DOJ and DfE.
The plan is intended to reflect a series of activities that will be, or have been, undertaken across government in response to the challenges and risks faced by vulnerable children and young people. The plan will help support the next steps in rebuilding services to meet the needs of vulnerable children and young people.
We would like to encourage any Christian individual, organisation or professional who engages with vulnerable children and/or young people across Northern Ireland to respond to this consultation and to use their experience and expertise to influence government decision making in how to help and support vulnerable children, young people and their families.