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Displaying 121-135 of 2576 results found.

Help equip the church to share the gospel

Though 57% of people in England call themselves Christians, just 9% are what we might call "practising Christians". That's fewer than 1 in 10 people who know Jesus and live out their faith in their daily lives. Perhaps more worrying still, 54% of non-Christians who know a Christian have never had a…

How to leave a legacy gift to the Evangelical Alliance

We strongly recommend that you enlist the help of a solicitor for this process, and currently you can also take advantage of our free will writing service. Types of legacy gift We understand that family and friends come first, and when it comes to making your will, this is no different – after all,…

Why I'm leaving a legacy

"My wife and I recently wrote our first will. Our lives are centred around the gospel and we were passionate that the resources God has given us be used when we die for His glory. It was an easy decision to choose to leave a percentage of our estate to the Evangelical Alliance: because the…

Betting machines curbed in crucial victory for campaigners

This is a significant victory that will help protect people from developing gambling problems, and reduce the impact of gambling losses on vulnerable people. The Evangelical Alliance has long campaigned on this issue, repeatedly calling for the Government to take action, and has today joined with…

17 May 2018
Danny Webster

Protecting religious belief and observance in Scottish schools

Last week the SNP MSP for Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch Kate Forbes asked the Scottish Government, “what its position is on protecting young people’s right to religious observance, education and freedom of religious belief in schools?” This question was asked after constituents raised concerns with…

17 May 2018

Education? Education? Education?

The Government is asking a lot of questions about education at the moment. This includes the consultation on relationships and sex education (see our response and poll results here); the Government’s response to the out-of-schools consultation (see our press release here); the integrated…

17 May 2018
Peter Mitchell

Meet the team

Meet the Evangelical Alliance giving team

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Thank you for choosing to stay in touch with us. You'll be keeping up with everything that the Evangelical Alliance is doing to build confidence in the gospel, serve a vibrant church and raise a trusted voice in society. Add your details below and you will automatically be added to our main email…

Talking Jesus: Evangelism Health Check Tool

An easy-to-use tool for leaders to gauge how your church feels about sharing the gospel and their evangelism habits.How does it work? Use this 5 minute survey in your church service or small group meeting to quickly and easily benchmark your church’s evangelism and people’s confidence in sharing…

Talking Jesus: game-changing research into perception of Jesus, Christians and evangelism

In September, we published research we had commissioned with the Church of England and HOPE, conducted by Barna Group and ComRes into perceptions of Christ, Christianity and the Church in England. Despite negative media portrayals, most people actually like the Christians they know, while the vast…

1 November 2015
Chine McDonald

This Lent, will you be Talking Jesus?

We all want to talk about Jesus. Some of us find it easy to drop Jesus into conversation and to help people understand who He is, while some of us just can't work out how to talk about Jesus and not sound totally crazy. But our Talking Jesus research showed that conversations with a Christian was…

13 February 2018
Alexandra Davis

Speak Up

Speak Up, from the Evangelical Alliance and the Lawyers' Christian Fellowship, is designed to equip and inspire Christians with confidence and knowledge of the current legal freedoms we have to share our faith. The good news of Jesus is something we all have a part in sharing. Through our everyday…

Prime Minister welcomes Speak Up resource

In Prime Minister's Questions Fiona Bruce MP asked if Theresa May would welcome the new resource. Asking the question, the MP said: "Would the Prime Minister join me in welcoming the recent Lawyers' Christian Fellowship publication Speak Up, which confirms that in our country today the legal rights…

30 November 2016
Danny Webster

Intergenerational church: let’s show the world how it’s done

Danny Webster is advocacy and media manager at the Evangelical Alliance.This week the Intergenerational Commission published its full report into fairness between different generations. Most publicised was the organisation's proposal to grant every 25-year-old a 'citizen's inheritance' of £10,000,…

18 May 2018
Danny Webster

Reaching out to dads

That morning, 20 dads and their children crossed the threshold of our building; only two of them had ever done so before. They came to have fun with their children, to chat to other dads and to eat bacon rolls. Who Let the Dads Out? had begun, and God was prompting a change in church outreach…

17 May 2018
Mark Chester