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Respond to the Government’s consultation on early medical abortion
Last March, at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, temporary legislation was introduced to allow abortions to take place at home. Early medical abortion (EMA) consists of the administration of two sets of pills within the first 10 weeks of gestation. The first medication (Mifepristone) prevents…
Being Human S2E06
Are all of our disagreements about justice in the world simply power struggles? Our global and neighborhood communities seem to constantly clash over imbalances and injustices. It seems as if we are watching a stage play where different actors constantly switch the roles of victim and oppressor.…
Your connection is unstable: why our friendships need nurturing and treasuring more than ever
During that time there had rarely been a day when it had not adorned my finger and, having lost it, I genuinely felt its absence on an almost hourly basis. I would wring my hands longingly, my eyes scanning every shelf and surface for a glimpse of burnished jewellery. I must have searched under the…
Phil Knox
Being Human S2E07
The world is changing. It can feel like it’s changing so fast that it’s hard to keep up. Things we once thought were true or good or right, are now either up for question or seen as downright wrong. Just by standing still our culture around us has changed so much we can feel like we’re living in…
Acts of kindness shown at controversial Penally asylum seeker camp
The locals continue to navigate this situation into this year. It has caused much controversy, with local media covering the story and protests from far-right groups being organised. But despite what must be an incredibly lonely and sometimes hostile environment for the men in the camp, there have…
Nathan Sadler
Sharing the gospel with all generations
Ian and Phil Knox, uncle and nephew, represent two generations of gifted evangelists bringing the same message of hope in Jesus wherever they find opportunity. Here, in conversation with our very own Jo Frost, they offer the combined wisdom of 70 years of evangelistic experience to shed light on: …
Sea shanties: a new song for your city?
The TikTok trend at the start of 2021, according to American late night host Stephen Colbert, is the Sea Shanty. In our fragmented and divided age, who would have thought that maritime folk songs from 19th century sailors would bring together teenagers from Tokyo to Tulsa? What in the world is…
Ryan Shelton
NOW CLOSED: Have your say on the Government’s review of 2005 Gambling Act
While there have been some changes to regulations during the intervening years, this is the most substantive review of the law since it was passed. It provides an opportunity to encourage the Government to update key areas and address where vulnerable people need better protection. Gambling needs…
Reading our times while being human
And since we’re in the podcast business these days, it’s only fair for us showcase one of our favourites. Spencer hosts some smart humans on the show who are writing interesting and influential books that shape our public conversations. In fact, if you were listening to Being Human alongside…
Ryan Shelton
Being Human S2E08
It’s in the backdrop of darkness that the light shines brightest. When God’s people felt abandoned in exile, the gospel changed everything. The marginalised were brought in and the powerful were humbled. The pinnacle of the God story is all about the beautiful paradox that sacrifice is the…
The route out of lockdown: Scottish Government update
As part of the Scottish Government’s scheduled review of the lockdown measures, the First Minister outlined that restrictions would remain in place at least until March. The previous review of the restrictions was held in mid-January and decided to extend the restrictions until mid-February. These…
For the front line
For month after month those on the frontline of fighting the virus have sacrificially given of themselves. Medical staff, carers and others have skillfully and compassionately given all they can for others., As weeks turned to months they have become exhausted, emotionally shattered and wounded…
Making disciples in the age of online church
So this week, it was heartening to read that “online worship has encouraged curiosity towards religion” (translated) according to a recent BBC Cymru article which explored the experiences of churchgoers during the pandemic in Wales. But while churches have seen a good level of interest in their…
Nathan Sadler
What's in your hands?
In a time of ongoing change, we know it can be hard to discern the best way to continue your ministries and maximise the gifts of your church members. Lots of people who previously served on teams are no longer able to do so, and it's important that we make sure they know they are still valued even…
Rachel Bourner
Bringing Good Friday and Easter Sunday to life
Within this resource, there are two Augmented Reality experiences – one called ‘On the cross’ and the other called ‘He is risen’. These are both accompanied by a devotion and activity card that helps you to reflect and to take part in fun craft activities as you explore this exciting moment in…