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Displaying 1456-1470 of 2576 results found.

NOW CLOSED: Responding to the Law Commission’s review of wedding ceremonies

Among the principle changes proposed is to allow religious organisations other than the Church of England and the Church in Wales to nominate officiants who can legally conduct ceremonies. The Evangelical Alliance sees the shift from the venue being registered for weddings, to the officiant from an…

#RememberWhen Trailer

Capture the vision for remembering and sharing stories of God’s faithfulness

Churches can stay open under strict restrictions introduced throughout the UK

In a press conference on 19 December the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, announced that for London and large areas of the south-east of England households must now stay at home in a newly created Tier 4 that largely replicated the rules from November's lockdown. For the rest of England the Christmas…

21 December 2020
Danny Webster

Fostering hope in Bristol

In March this year, as the country went into lockdown, Home for Good received a call from the fostering team at Bristol City Council concerned that many of their foster carers were over 65 and may need to isolate to protect their health. The request was simple: would members of the Christian…

23 December 2020
Andy Street

2021: New year prayer

A prayer for perseverance, inspired by Romans 12:12, Isaiah 41:10, Philippians 3:10, and Revelation 21:5 Almighty Lord, Please help us to rejoice in hope and be patient in tribulation. It is a joy to know that you are sovereign over our suffering. As we reflect on the year behind us, with all the…

January 2021 churches update

In response to rising coronavirus case numbers and pressure on hospitals as more people need treatment than at any time during spring 2020, the governments of the UK have announced further measures to limit the spread of the virus. Unlike in 2020 the measures affect churches differently in…

To meet or not to meet?

Churches across the UK have done an incredible job serving their communities during this pandemic. The church has not, and is not, closed. Indeed, many have found creative ways to continue regular public worship, to love our neighbours and to obey the governing authorities. Whilst the rules are…

5 January 2021
Danny Webster

COVID-19 and the classroom

For some people, the start of the school term normally signifies somewhat of a shift back to a more manageable routine, where parents can perhaps more easily balance their work and home lives, and children can again see their friends in person. For other parents, and for the children themselves,…

7 January 2021
Nathan Sadler

Panel discussion: How can we do children's ministry in a pandemic?

Our Changing Church: autumn survey found that more than three out of 10 church leaders are not currently running any children’s work. Hear from children’s ministry leaders and others online as they share experiences and ideas about how to do children’s ministry, no matter what. Helpful resources:…

Church and the new lockdown: Evangelical Alliance Scotland response

Our gathering demonstrates our love for one another and opens a window on the new reality of the kingdom of God. We pray and share sacraments together and we remember the Lord together. The gathering of believers is not just about the growth of our faith but also about spiritual and emotional…

8 January 2021
Fred Drummond

January lockdown: Scottish Government update

Speaking to the Scottish Parliament, the First Minister announced the need for new tighter restrictions in a bid to combat the fast-spreading new strain of the virus. All of mainland Scotland will remain under these new restrictions for the duration of January, with an initial review scheduled…

8 January 2021

Senedd update: 09/01/21

The coverage of the pandemic has dominated headlines and has had a knock-on effect on many of Wales’ political discussions and decision making. However, in what will be a weekly update, I will be placing a microscope over the relevant discussions that are taking place in the Senedd and providing an…

9 January 2021
Nathan Sadler

Dynamics church leaders segment

Drag your square on the below map and copy the code. This will help to create a segment in Dynamics Marketing to target Primary contacts and senior ministers in the targeted area that have consent to receive emails from us.

Being Human S2E05

What does it mean to live in relationship? Culture today governs our relationships through the ideas of choice, consent and contracts. As individuals, we relate to ours on our own terms and break relationships when they fail to meet our needs. We see these stories bubble up in marriages,…

Senedd update: 16/01/21

In the latest Friday press conference, Wales’ First Minister Mark Drakeford introduced stricter measures regarding supermarkets to protect staff. The top headline on BBC Wales echoes this sentiment and shines a light on the rules regarding supermarkets and the need to continue following the…

16 January 2021
Nathan Sadler