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Celebrating Christmas with confidence
As we begin to finalise our plans of how to celebrate Christmas this year, which members of the family to spend it with, on which day, a recent BBC Wales article quotes a government report, which states: “If people can avoid seeing others over the Christmas period, perhaps postponing celebrations…
Nathan Sadler
After 10 years as director of advocacy, Dr David Landrum is leaving the Evangelical Alliance
After 10 years as director of advocacy, Dr David Landrum is leaving the Evangelical Alliance to take up the role as director of advocacy and public affairs at Open Doors UK and Ireland. During his time at the Evangelical Alliance Dr Landrum has been instrumental in establishing the charity’s…
Rev Israel Oluwole Olofinjana is announced as the Evangelical Alliance’s new One People Commission director
The Evangelical Alliance is delighted to have appointed Rev Israel Oluwole Olofinjana as our new One People Commission (OPC) director. From 1 April he will work with the Evangelical Alliance’s OPC network of key national church leaders across ethnic backgrounds to support and equip the UK church as…
Debt – the unwelcome guest this Christmas
Furlough, income reduction, job losses have all taken their toll on so many. The recent collapse of Debenhams and Arcadia, put a further 25,000 jobs at risk on top of the thousands of jobs already hanging by a thread. The number of unemployed over-50s has increased by a third in a year, according…
Emma Jackson
How to plan student mission for 2021
There has never been a better time for churches to pioneer new ways of reaching students with the good news of Jesus. 2020 has presented us with an opportunity to share the hope of Jesus in fresh ways, and we can’t lose this momentum as we head into 2021. Over the last few months, we’ve seen…
Viki Seithel
Barriers to entry, and participation
So much in church ministry and worship has changed since that gathering; and these changes, caused by the coronavirus pandemic, have brought to the fore Christians with disabilities or additional needs and their access to church life. Accessibility has long been a challenge for the church. One…
Naomi Osinnowo
Let hope rise again
Yes, the first half of this pandemic has been extremely challenging on so many levels, but the time is now to dust ourselves down, refocus and be prepared to go again. My wife Anne supports Liverpool and went to the 2005 Champions League Final against AC Milan in Istanbul. At half-time her team was…
Gavin Calver
Do you remember?
But many of us know that this isn’t the only form of worship that we have in our toolkit as disciples. When singing is off the table, it doesn’t mean that worship is as well. It’s actually a brilliant opportunity to rethink what worship means to us. One concept that has stood out to me in recent…
Eve Paterson
Oh come, let's sing to the Lord
The Lord Himself expresses delight over His people in song (Zephaniah 3:17) and Jesus sang hymns with His disciples (Matthew 26:30). The whole of creation bursts forth in song to the glory of God, from the mountains, fields and trees on the earth (Isaiah 55:12; Psalm 65:13; 1 Chronicles 16:33) to…
Dr Rebecca Uberoi
Five ways to worship God as a family
The incredible news is that God hasn’t changed, and although church may look different, parents have an amazing opportunity to help their children worship God in everyday moments of life. Paul reminds us in Colossians 3:16-17 that worship is so much more than singing; it’s about giving thanks to…
Claire Burton
"Even when I don't see it, you're working"
The many expressions of compassion and resilience during this year speak of the wonder of God’s image being reflected in humanity, despite all its flaws and brokenness. It speaks of God at work, often unnoticed and hidden. I’m reminded of a line from the worship song Waymaker (Michael W. Smith):…
The Ockenden Review
The review, chaired by senior midwife Donna Ockenden, uncovered a pattern of repeated serious harm to mothers and babies. The report looked into 250 cases – out of nearly 2,000 identified between 2000-2019 – and has called for urgent and sweeping changes to improve safety in maternity services for…
Jo Evans
Stories of Hope in a year of challenge
Stories of Hope is just a snapshot of the abundant outpouring of love and compassion by the church in this season. We’ve gathered a few stories that tell of the hope Jesus has brought, both practically and spiritually, to so many this year. Even in the most difficult of times there is still much to…
Small group
Sharing Jesus with our friends, family, colleagues and neighbours needn’t be a daunting task. We don’t all have to memorise apologetics arguments or learn Bible passages in the original Greek. But we can all remember moments, big or small, when God has been at work in our lives – and sharing these…
Church leader
We’re thrilled that you have decided to be part of #RememberWhen. We hope this resource helps you to support and equip your church family as they remember the work that God has done in their lives and share those stories with their friends, families and communities. As a leader, you have exclusive…