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A good news vision for Northern IrelandReimagine is a call to action for evangelical Christians in Northern Ireland to reimagine a gospel vision for our people and our place. Together, we can speak with a prophetic voice and bring about transformation at every level of society, government,…

Considering Transgender

Transgender is regularly on the media, is becoming a more contentious issue in sport and schools are scrambling to draft policies to cover it. In the midst of the cultural conversations, those struggling with gender dysphoria often get lost. The Evangelical Alliance has launched its resource…

Trans - Education Authority Guidance

Last month, the Education Authority released guidance on supporting transgender pupils. The pdf document in the link below is our analysis and summary of this Guidance. This should be read alongside the Guidance itself and our Transformed resource which we released earlier this…

Freedom of thought, conscience and religion – partnership video with the NIHRC

The Evangelical Alliance has partnered with the Human Rights Commission in launching a new animation about human rights and religion, see the video below:

Think Friday: A vaccine is coming!

INPUT VIDEO Global attention this week has focused on the approval of a vaccine for COVID-19 in the UK. It is early days but this seems like amazing news which could help save the lives and livelihoods of millions of people. Many questions have been raised about the vaccine - and not just from…

Think Friday: Joy to the world...& Strava?

Crown Jesus Ministries , Evangelical Alliance (NI) and Evangelical Alliance Ireland want to serve you this Christmas and have developed a 6 week programme called 'Joy to the World'; a toolkit of easy, do-able ideas, links, videos and resources to help you join others across Ireland in sharing Jesus…

Think Friday: Pray, Remember, Lead.

It’s hard to know where to begin to pray sometimes these days with so much need and urgency everywhere we turn. We’ve been listening to our members and the Evangelical Alliance has called a UK day of prayer on 13 November. We are working with networks, denominations and churches to bring people…

Unexpected joy / Llawenydd annisgwyl

The Christmas narrative reminds us how God uses the unexpected. There are many prophecies about the birth of Jesus; however, the way in which God orchestrates His mission is often not as we might expect. In Luke 2:10-12 we read the angelic appearance to shepherds on the outskirts of a tiny town.…

11 December 2020
Jon Butler

What would better government engagement with faith groups look like?

This wide-ranging review is an excellent opportunity to raise concerns about how efforts to support, understand and interact with faith communities have not always succeeded but to also highlight good practice and promote better long-term engagement. The Evangelical Alliance is responding to the…

9 December 2020
Danny Webster

Being Human S2B2

Are conspiracy stories the real pandemic of 2020? Stories like QAnon have spread with just as much vigor and speed as the novel coronavirus. What parables can Christians hear in recent events?  Mark Sayers, author, thinker, speaker, podcaster, and pastor from Melbourne, Australia, joins Jo and…

Secular Blasphemy

Ireland voted on Friday in a constitutional referendum to remove blasphemy laws from the constitution by almost 65% to 35%. Being criminalised for transgressing a fairy-tale doctrine that you don’t believe in…of course that should never happen in modern and progressive 2018, should it? The…

Ashers #Everyone Wins

It’s been a long time coming, but finally we have the icing on the cake. A decision from the Supreme Court that reminds us of the importance of freedom of conscience, belief and expression for everyone. Ashers took issue with the message on the cake, not the customer and the Supreme Court has…

The Good Friday Agreement- 20 Years On

20 years ago today, the people of Northern Ireland voted on the Good Friday Agreement in a referendum. A few weeks ago, to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, we asked three local MLA'S from across the political spectrum, to reflect on the impact of the agreement.…

What Is An Evangelical?

Names matter. Language must have meaning to be of any use, even in a post-truth society. Evangelical is becoming a contested term - rejected by some and stretched to breaking point by others. Evangelical support for Trump has caused many in the U.S. to be wary of the term. At the same time Rob…