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Being Human S2E02
What are the stories that we build our lives on? Are they strong enough for us to build our purpose, identity, and behaviour upon? Join us for a new episode of Being Human as our hosts Jo and Peter examine the different stories that are trying to frame the deepest parts of who we are. Some of the…
Gaining hope in a year of loss / Ennill gobaith mewn blwyddyn o golled
The encouragement for us, however, as we begin to look at the story of Christmas, is that what the world gained when Jesus was born will always triumph and be a comfort for any feeling of loss that we may experience. What’s more, this hope that was gained when God came into the world in the form…
Nathan Sadler
Superbook Academy
Take your Sunday School on an adventure with Chris, Joy and their robot Gizmo as they travel back in time to discover biblical truths they can use every day. Gizmo and his friends also explain biblical history and how each story points to Jesus. Superbook Academy is an online resource that…
In Christ Alone
The Reformation is yet to find its way to the heart of many people on earth and yet it is what many people are searching for. The essence of the Reformation is that ordinary people would find purpose, be empowered by the word of God, and live a life according to His will. However, vast numbers of…
What the Reformation and Facebook share
Freedom of speech, equality and individualism are key rights that we millennials hold with a certain degree of sacredness today. Facebook gives all of us a platform to exercise our freedom of speech, sharing our views, frustrations and joy with our friends and the public. The reformers of 1517…
Embracing Diversity While Recognising Our Common Identity
For those working to promote ecumenism in Ireland, it has been a great encouragement to see how the 500th anniversary of the Reformation has prompted significant new developments in inter-church dialogue. The events organised by the member churches of the Irish Council of Churches and the Irish…
Reimagining the Reformation
I love the Reformation. Most people who know me are fed up hearing about it, but it really was a game changer and it continues to impact our lives everyday. My job wouldn’t exist - there would be no evangelicals and with only one church, no need for a unity movement! At 34, a millennial of his…
Our written submission to the Northern Ireland Office
A response to the consultation on a new legal framework for abortion services in Northern Ireland.
12 Revelations of Christmas App
This AR resource has been designed to be used with children and young people in a range of settings including churches, schools, in detached work and as a personal devotion in the run up to Christmas. Our hope is that this resource will help children and young people discover afresh the real,…
Making ethical decisions that value human life webinar
Lives and livelihoods are at urgent risk and a vaccine protecting us from COVID-19 appears to offer hope of recovery for both. So the imminent mass-roll out of a vaccine looks like good and welcome news! Yes? Hopefully so, but many people continue to ask questions and raise concerns about the…
Advice for churches on how to meet safely
As different parts of the UK enter and exit lockdowns, the restrictions on churches regularly change. The information below is correct to the best of our knowledge on 2 December 2020.
Special services and events
These are generally more restrictive than for regular worship services, with the rationale being that these events see people attending from different communities who don’t normally interact, and subsequently maintaining social distancing at gatherings such as weddings or funerals is likely to be…
Being Human S2E03
What’s wrong with our world? What drives us apart? Things get gritty in this week’s episode of Being Human, as Peter and Jo wrestle with the conflict driving our story forward. We all seem to know something is off, but in the stories we listen to, what carries the plot along? If conflict is the…
Being Human S2B1
The COVID-19 virus has shown us all just how connected our world has become. Just like a tiny virus can spread across the globe, our connected societies have shown us that stories can travel with just as much speed and impact. Mark Sayers, author, thinker, speaker, podcaster, and pastor from…
Small groups, mid-week meetings and church events
Therefore, where meetings are part of the worshipping and ongoing discipleship life of the church community, these are permitted, but not where they are social gatherings. Other rules such as restricting household mixing are also applicable in these contexts. Therefore, churches can hold meetings…