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Displaying 1336-1350 of 2576 results found.

Churches frustrated at forced closure

Schools, colleges and universities are asked to remain open but otherwise the restrictions are very similar to when the first lockdown was imposed in March. This means that churches and other places of worship are required to close for public services and are only allowed to reopen for limited…

2 November 2020
Danny Webster

UK day of prayer – 13 November 2020

The Evangelical Alliance called a UK day of prayer on 13 November. We worked together with networks, denominations and churches to bring people together to pray. As communities across the UK face further restrictions and lockdowns, as many churches are forced to stop their in-person gatherings, as…

Letter from the Muslim Council of Wales

Dear Sian Rees, I am reaching out in response to the attack in Nice on Thursday last week in which three people were killed in a church. It hurts me, and indeed many of the Muslims I have spoken to in recent days, that the killer shared our faith. As I am writing this, news has broken of another…

3 November 2020

Executive summary

Between the 1 and the 12 October we received responses from more than 1,000 individuals and in excess of 450 church leaders, giving us a fuller picture of how churches are navigating the continually changing landscape, evolving laws and guidance, and the challenge of local and regional…

Open letter to the UK faith minister

Dear Lord Greenhalgh We would like to thank you for the regular opportunities to meet with you throughout this pandemic. We recognise the importance of public health and the difficult decisions faced by political leaders; however, the Evangelical Alliance is concerned that from Thursday, 5 November…

3 November 2020
Gavin Calver

Evangelical Alliance calls the UK to pray

The Evangelical Alliance has called a UK day of prayer on 13 November to bring the country before God. The organisation is working with networks, denominations and churches to bring together Christians to pray for the UK amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The day of prayer highlights that,…

4 November 2020

ARCHIVED: Churches and the November lockdown

As of Thursday 5 November, England is under national lockdown once again. The law now requires all places of worship to close for this period apart form narrow exemptions. Worship services and most other activity that takes place in the church is not permitted. Weddings are also not permitted…

The Five Tier System: Scottish Government November update

It is particularly important to note that as things stand worship gatherings are permitted under every level of the new system, albeit with reduced numbers in level 4. This is a very welcome development and one we have advocated for with the Scottish Government. In addition, there is a travel…

5 November 2020

NOW CLOSED: Vulnerable Children and Young People Consultation Guide

The COVID-19 Vulnerable Children and Young People’s Plan is being developed on a cross-department basis, led by the Department of Health and including DfC, DE, DOJ and DfE. The plan is intended to reflect a series of activities that will be, or have been, undertaken across government in…

Suggested schedule for the UK day of prayer

Lord, today direct my thoughts, inhabit the stillness, give power to my words. In Jesus’ name, amen Proposed schedule Breakfast Pray for those in the caring and emergency services, often tired, discouraged and weary.Those in hospital, and those in intensive care.Mid-morning Pray for the bereaved,…

Ideas to help you pray

Family prayer ideas Help children to draw a picture of their school or friends and family, use the picture to pray for teachers, friends or family members.Walk around your local streets, praying for homes, shops and community spacesDeclaration of hope Safely light a candle or place a night light…

Diwrnod o weddi dros y Deyrnas Unedig

Arglwydd, heddiw cyfarwydda fy meddyliau, anadla llonyddwch, rhoi grym i'm geiriau. Yn enw Iesu, Amen Amserlen Brecwast Gweddïwch dros y rhai yn y gwasanaethau gofal ac argyfwng sydd yn aml wedi blino ac yn ddigalon.Y rheini sydd yn yr ysbyty, a'r rhai sydd mewn gofal dwys.Canol bore Gweddïwch…

Syniadau i'ch helpu i weddïo

Syniadau ar gyfer y teulu: Helpwch y plant i dynnu llun o'u hysgol neu ffrindiau a'u teulu, a defnyddiwch y llun i weddïo dros athrawon, ffrindiau neu aelodau o'r teulu.Cerddwch o amgylch eich strydoedd lleol, gan weddïo am gartrefi, siopau a mannau cymunedol Datganiad o obaith Gosodwch cannwyll…

Meetings and money

Between the 1 and the 12 October we received responses from more than 1,000 individuals and in excess of 450 church leaders, giving us a fuller picture of how churches are navigating the continually changing landscape, evolving laws and guidance, and the challenge of local and regional…

November update: Wales reopening guidelines after 'fire-break'

After a seventeen day period, where places of worship were unable to open their doors, the end of Wales' 'fire-break' signals for many people the return to meet as a church again in person. Many churches may decide to continue to gather digitally, whilst some will choose to enter their church…

10 November 2020
Nathan Sadler