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Displaying 1276-1290 of 2670 results found.

Book review: Living with Alzheimer’s – a Love Story

Robin looks back over his marriage to Shoko, and describes with sensitivity how their relationship grew even deeper despite, and perhaps even because of, her Alzheimer’s. He gives a vivid and honest account of the countless challenges they had to face as her condition deteriorated and balances the…

18 August 2020
Wendy Gleadle

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A Rocha International appoints new exec director

Dr Stuart will take up his role at the Christian organisation, which brings together practical conservation action with Christian faith, in December when he'll step down from his current position as director of strategic conservation at Synchronicity Earth. Dr Stuart, who has a long history with A…

14 August 2020
Naomi Osinnowo

Creative worship: Gathering around a poem

Cath Woolridge shares how we can worship at home whilst gathering around poems

Creative worship: Cardboard testimonies

Cath Woolridge shares how cardboard testimonies can help us worship creatively

Our songs of praise in our private place

Due to the potential increased risk of coronavirus transmission from airborne droplets, the Government has issued restrictions and guidance concerning communal singing in churches. While we know that such measures are necessary to help keep ourselves and others safe, many will find it a great…

24 August 2020
Ruthie Thomas

Justice and mercy: A contemporary Christian perspective

Victims want things to be put right. They want corrective justice. Like the widow in Luke 18, victims seek for their voices to be heard. Corrective justice is not the only form of redress available to victims. There are other types of justice including restorative and healing justice described in…

31 August 2020
Dr Hephzibah Egede

Faith and Police Together

Faith and Police Together (FPT) launched in April 2018, with the help of the Christian Police Association, to encourage faith communities, the police and other statutory agencies partners to work together to help tackle some of the systemic problems within our communities: addiction, youth…

Good news in the pandemic?

This was a bad news day for Christianity. How could a loving, almighty God allow this to happen? The atheist philosophers of the enlightenment used the disaster to cast doubt on God’s existence. Today as the coronavirus ravages the world, hitting hardest the poor and most vulnerable, it looks like…

31 August 2020
Prof Paul Ewart

Emerging from lockdown in Scotland – August update

However, there have also been a number of recent announcements that are of relevance to churches in relation to face coverings, Sunday schools, recovery meetings, advice services and youth work as restrictions continue to lift. This article should be read in conjunction with relevant Scottish…

24 August 2020
Kieran Turner

A missional opening for the taking

Such was the finding of the Talking Toddlers research released in May. It showed that almost two-thirds of non-Christian parents with children under five have taken their children to a church-based activity such as a toddler group or Messy Church in the past year. “There’s a huge opening here,”…

25 August 2020
Naomi Osinnowo

God's multi-ethnic kingdom

These social inequalities are present on both sides of the Atlantic. Here, in the UK, the disproportionate representation of Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) people in frontline services reveals that, for far too long, BAME people have been at the bottom of the social-economic scale. Take a look…

Fun, friendship and faith

At about 10am we do the notices and remind people of future activities. The children are then allowed into the sanctuary area for ride-ons, tunnels, dressing up and more. This area becomes a big, open space, enabling children and parents to move freely between rooms. Most Thursdays see between 30…

25 August 2020
Karen Relton