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Displaying 1261-1275 of 2670 results found.

NOW CLOSED: Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill

The Scottish Government has now introduced the Hate Crime & Public Order (Scotland) Bill into Holyrood. This bill arrives following a two-year process including the Lord Bracadale review and a further Scottish Government consultation. Having been introduced to parliament the lead Justice…

Values or praxis?

Everything on the list sounded great, and some were extremely important to us as a faith community. However, we soon realised that many of us could not remember why certain programmes and activities had started. This didn’t mean they were bad things, just that we had been doing them for so long…

23 July 2020
Fred Drummond

Message Live

With challenging teaching and inspiring stories that equip and fire us all up to go and share the love of Jesus with our friends, families and communities, Message Live is online every day, with loads of bitesize shows to choose from. Shows include: Eden: The Walk – how to live your life on…

Why and how we do justice

The pandemic has exposed inequalities here in the UK with the coronavirus disproportionately affecting people from BAME communities, families being pushed into food poverty, and many struggling with mental health issues. The global picture is stark too: The World Bank defines extreme poverty as…

31 July 2020
Catherine De Souza

Hope Spaces

A new website has been launched to help people to pray – maybe for the first time. is a multimedia, interactive site for anyone who wants to try praying, the spiritually curious and anyone looking for hope. It includes a specially-made film to help people call out to God and a…

One big idea: Raising the 'R number' of the gospel

The reproductive number ( R ) is, according to the Government’s website, the average number of secondary infections produced by a single infected person. It is basically a measurement of how contagious a society is. An R number of 1 means that on average for every infected person there will be one…

Changing Church Toolkit: Sharing Jesus

A series of resources for your leadership team on how to think missionally and share this gospel in this moment

10 top tips for nurturing gospel opportunities

Read our 10 top tips for your leadership team on how to share the good news of Jesus

Five key questions for nurturing gospel opportunities

Check out our 5 key questions for your leadership team on how to share the good news of Jesus

TAG Talk: Political and Economic Theology

In this TAG Talk live from Tuesday 14th July, we were be joined by John Risbridger, minister at Above Bar Church and Philip Powell, a lecturer at the Jubilee Centre. Together with Host Revd Dr David Hilborn, Principal of Moorlands College, they will be discussing public and economic theology. You…

Christian servant-leaders in society – a call to prayer

Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount is often viewed as a call to be salt and light. But Matthew’s Greek rendering of Jesus’ words is in a present tense: “You already are,” not “You should become.” The presence of God’s Kingdom, of people filled with God’s Spirit, among the nations of the…

6 August 2020
Gordon Matheson

Prayer walking on campus

God made us in His image (Genesis 1:27), then put humans in the Garden of Eden, which He planted for them so they could steward that land (Genesis 2:8-15). As a child of God, a core part of our identity is to partner and be co-rulers with Him over creation, to nourish the place we have been given…

10 August 2020
Ed Earnshaw

Prayers during August 2020

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail, they are new every morning great is your faithfulness” - Lamentations 3:22-23 Most of us find change a challenge, yet it happens to all of us all the time. At the moment we are very conscious of the changes…

Living the prayer

In the famous Morecambe and Wise sketch with Andre Previn, Morecambe utters the brilliant line, “I’m playing all the right notes but not necessarily in the right order.” So it is with those Isaiah challenges: they are doing a lot of the right things but not necessarily with the right motive.…

7 August 2020
Fred Drummond

A struggle to stay afloat amid the pandemic

Few of us would think that people living on boats need support, whether it is during the pandemic or not. Most of us, when thinking about them, might picture an older but vigorous couple who has finally got the time to fulfil their dreams to live a peaceful life on a comfortable narrow boat. Or, we…

12 August 2020
Joanna Sopylo-Firrisa