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Displaying 1246-1260 of 2576 results found.

Location, proximity and tracking apps

It is important that evangelicals are aware of the potential impacts of these technologies. With the lockdown now easing the deployment of this technology may appear innocuous or a non-starter. However, having already spent £11.8m million trying to develop its own app, on 18 June 2020, the UK…

COVID-19 and the challenge of discipling young people

Young people have long been labelled screen junkies, constantly glued to their smartphones, 24-hour gaming, YouTube and Twitch, or dancing away to the latest TikTok trend. So it came as a bit of a shock that, when the world moved online due to the lockdown restrictions, the young people we had…

13 July 2020
Mat Walls

The transformative power of imagination

The Oxford Dictionary defines imagination as “mental faculty for forming images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses,” and “the ability of the mind to be creative and resourceful.” Imagination involves taking time to be creative, to develop unknown worlds. It is forming in our…

9 July 2020
Fred Drummond

Living in liminal leadership

We are living through a very interesting time. Many of the things we previously took for granted as ‘normal’ have been swept away. This pandemic, and the future beyond it, has thrust us into uncharted territory. Huge changes can lead us into periods of doubt and inertia, or we can choose to view…

13 July 2020
Fred Drummond

Walk, Pray, Talk

Through each of the five sessions you will explore prayer through themes of being people of God, present to God and people, participation, and caring for a place. We really want to encourage you to get out and about praying for your local community. We believe you will thrive as God’s people,…

Taking good care of yourself

Many of us are exhausted. We have faced challenges that we never expected to face, and without warning or preparation, we were thrown into a blizzard of change. It has been draining. Leaders across the country are starting to feel the strain. There are times when the calling of leadership can leave…

15 July 2020
Fred Drummond

Community matters

Beneath the surface, responding to urgent demands with limited resources has led to reprioritised needs, categorised people and social divisions in a way that subtly reshapes values and culture. These are community matters. Community matters to God. Community matters for the church. “Christianity…

16 July 2020
Donna Jennings

Changing Church Toolkit: Transforming communities

A series of resources for your leadership team on how to seek the peace and prosperity for your community

10 top tips for community engagement

Download our 10 top tips for your leadership team to explore community engagement and transformation

Five key questions for community engagement

Check out our 5 key questions for your leadership team to help explore how to engage with your local community

Five inescapable tensions of COVID-19

All of us are getting used to new ways of doing things, new habits and new ways of seeing the world. Let’s begin with the superficial changes. Before COVID, I had never elbow-bumped anyone; now, extending my arm joint seems as natural as a handshake. Before COVID, coughs used to be background…

17 July 2020
Phil Knox

Redeeming the time

In Ephesians 5, Paul, pretty much, does exactly that, as he encourages the church to “look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is” (Ephesians…

24 June 2020
Chris Ringland

No time like now

Firstly, there is a clear change in spiritual temperature of our country. The coronavirus pandemic is the ultimate bittersweet moment. The amount of people suffering, struggling and dying is absolutely tragic, and this is making this season so challenging. At the same time this crisis is presenting…

24 June 2020
Gavin Calver

The pursuit of justice

So, what effect will the coronavirus pandemic have on our view of human rights and human wrongs? Will we emerge from the crisis with the same concept of justice as we entered the crisis? Or will we see new ideas surface, or even old ideas of justice come to the fore? The Bible identifies justice as…

24 June 2020
Dr David Landrum

Bridging the gap

Many times, though, we fail to see any common ground between ourselves and our neighbours, let alone our enemies. When we do, we’re conditioned to believe it can only be entered by way of compromise. So, the idea of hosting on a shared space, or even setting foot there, requires the willingness to…

24 June 2020
David Smyth