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Displaying 1171-1185 of 2670 results found.

CV Resources

As part of its mission to share the gospel, and equip Christians to do the same, Christian Vision provides an online library of free, high quality and downloadable videos that enables churches and ministries to use digital platforms to share the gospel. These resources are available for all…

Church in lockdown will continue until at least July

Many of the changes only apply to England and separate regulations stipulate the rules in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Each of the devolved administrations has reiterated that the ongoing message remains to stay at home and only minor amendments have been made to the regulations, for…

12 May 2020
Danny Webster

Walk & Pray

Jesus taught His disciples to pray and seek His Kingdom come. Where? Here. On earth. In our places, just as it is in heaven. Our places really matter, to us and to God. We invite you to join countless others across the UK to use these words to become present to God, present to others and to seek…

Seizing this opportunity to witness in the community

Over the past five years my time has been split between Scotland and Northern Ireland, and this travelling back and forth combined with the coronavirus crisis has given me much food for thought about what a blessing local community is in our lives. Many of us, and within my generation especially,…

13 May 2020
Chris Ringland

CSW calls for renewed prayers for freedom and justice on captive Christian’s birthday

Earlier this year, Rebecca Sharibu delivered a petition, signed by more than 12,000 people, to the Nigerian High Commission in London, which called on the Nigerian Government to take action to free her daughter, Leah, from the terrorist group that is holding her captive. Leah was one of 110 girls…

14 May 2020
Kiri Kankhwende

Sharing your faith – getting started is one of the hardest steps

I struggle with imposter syndrome. My job title at the Evangelical Alliance is ‘evangelism and theology officer’. Now besides the fact that my job title makes me sound like a law enforcement officer, the title might lead people to think I find it easy to tell people about Jesus. However, that is…

15 May 2020
Richard Powney

Talking Toddlers

The Talking Toddlers report released in May 2020, shows that 74% of all parents with children under the age of five have attended a church-run activity in the past year presenting a huge missional opportunity for the church.This new research was commissioned by HOPE Together, the Church of England,…

The media have it wrong. Churches are not rushing to open their doors

This growing wave of opinion is missing one vital component: churches do not wish to reopen just yet. Don’t get me wrong, churches of every stripe are desperate to be able to meet again, to be able to congregate in a room and worship God, to grow as a body and be a visible witness to their…

19 May 2020
Danny Webster

Finding freedom in lockdown

However, we do need to be aware that they are having a significant effect on so many, both practically and emotionally. Whether it be through loss of income, mental health challenges or not being able to see loved ones, the impact of lockdown is being felt. I once chatted with a man called Sam* who…

19 May 2020
Catherine De Souza

Christian charity Cornerstone challenges Ofsted's discrimination rating

After receiving inspection results of ‘good’ in 2015 the charity’s fostering work was marked as ‘requires improvement’ in 2019 mainly due to its policy of only recruiting evangelical carers. The policy is in line with the Equality Act 2010, and allows the charity to provide a service to a…

20 May 2020
Danny Webster

Scottish Government supporting communities funding

With more details here and here, this is a summary of what has been made available: £350m fund to support welfare and wellbeing £95m to local authorities: £50m in Barnett consequentials from the UK Government’s hardship fund directly to local authorities; £45m added to the Scottish Welfare Fund…

20 May 2020
Kieran Turner

Scottish Government responds to Evangelical Alliance joint letter

We were delighted by the positive response from the Government. Aileen Campbell, cabinet secretary for communities and local government (directly responsible for faith and belief), wrote back to us, thanking Scotland’s faith communities for how they have provided support for the most vulnerable and…

20 May 2020
Chris Ringland

Thy Kingdom Come 2020: a time for prayer and action

The Book of Acts (1:6-11) begins with this: “[The disciples] gathered round Him and asked Him, ‘Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?’ He said to them, ‘It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by His own authority. But you will receive power when…

21 May 2020
John Coleby

Crossteach: resourcing schools, parents and churches

Most young people are now being taught at home. Schools are providing resources and online activities. Parents are often trying to supplement this with additional activities and resources. For Christian parents, they are also faced with the reality that any church-run groups are also not meeting in…

22 May 2020
Wayne Harris

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