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Public policy Wales update: April
The ‘Faith/BAME Community Involvement’ group engaging in the development of the ‘Relationships and Sexuality Education’ guidance is on hold, but will recommence as soon as restrictions are lifted. In the meantime, I have had the privilege of working with faith leaders, key stakeholders and the…
Impact of coronavirus on charities
The Evangelical Alliance has spoken to all its member churches and organisations over the last month and has heard incredible stories of how they are responding to this crisis: from making practical changes to deliver church meetings online to caring for the vulnerable in their community in new…
Danny Webster
Free to lead
Yet one Tuesday night we found ourselves sitting in our lounge with our pastors, who told us they were leaving in five months and asked if my wife Helen and I would lead the 60 or so people in our congregation. They gave us three days to make a prayerful decision. We prayed; we said no. We prayed…
Tim Roberts
Sharing your faith with your friends during coronavirus
The most significant person in helping someone becoming a Christian is a friend. We all play a part in sharing good news.
Phil Knox
For such a time as this
Conversations from experts and city leaders to help churches develop and implement urgent strategies through coronavirus
Developing a food distribution and debt strategy
GATHER is a national network of vibrant missional unity movements in villages, towns, cities and boroughs.
Restored: supporting victims of domestic abuse
In the UK, national domestic abuse charity Refuge, which provides specialist support for women and children experiencing domestic violence, has noted that in the early stages of the lockdown, traffic to its website rose by 150 per cent and there was an average 25 per cent increase in calls to its…
Dr Peter Willson
Sharing Hope and Finding Faith
GATHER is a national network of vibrant missional unity movements in villages, towns, cities and boroughs.
Implementing chaplaincy services, mental health support structures and bereavement strategies
GATHER is a national network of vibrant missional unity movements in villages, towns, cities and boroughs.
Unified, intentional prayer for your city
GATHER is a national network of vibrant missional unity movements in villages, towns, cities and boroughs.
Working well with Civic authorities
GATHER is a national network of vibrant missional unity movements in villages, towns, cities and boroughs.
Rise in prayer and religious service attendance to be met with a step up in our witness
According to research launched by Tearfund, and conducted by Savanta ComRes, many in the UK are turning to prayer during the crisis. A third of UK adults (33 per cent) have prayed since the beginning of the pandemic. Of those surveyed, 30 per cent of 18-34 year olds pray regularly, compared to 25…
John Coleby
Coronavirus conversations live: Gavin Calver, Jo Frost and Dr John Kirkby
Live conversation from 7th May looking at the challenges facing people in lockdown, especially the poor and the vulnerable
UK lockdown: there are now differences across the country, but the Christian witness remains the same
Boris Johnson’s announcement came hot on the heels of statements by the First Ministers of Wales and Scotland at the end of last week and ahead of the planned statement by Arlene Foster in Northern Ireland on the 12 May. Whereas the Celtic nations have stuck with the slogan "stay home, protect the…
Hope for All website
Hope Together will be using the stories from the latest Hope for All magazine and back issues to create digital resources that you can share with your friends, neighbours, family members and colleagues who are not yet Christians.