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Hope 15:13
Hope 15:13 is built around three actions: pray, prepare and proclaim. Pray - Each day pray by yourself or with others, either online or in person That an effective vaccine for coronavirus will be produced.For God to pour out His comforting grace on those left ill and isolated by the disease.For…
The Challenge of a Crisis
At times of crisis we have a great opportunity to share our faith with our family and community. This special Advance Groups session explores how we can respond to an ongoing crisis by meeting practical needs whilst always being ready to demonstrate and proclaim gospel hope, even in the face of the…
The Best of Friends book
Friendship is one of the best things ever created. It is unparalleled as a building block of society, a universal theme in great literature and film, and has a huge impact on our mental health, wellbeing and happiness. But many of us are lonely or feel suffocated by the pressures of life and…
Little Pack of Hope
In these difficult and uncertain times we are all struggling to balance work, childcare and self-care while trying to maintain a sense of community. World Vision have drawn upon their years of experience in helping children, families and communities in crisis, to create this simple and easy to use…
Churches are working around the clock to demonstrate love to their neighbours through this global pandemic. With so much new information and initiatives each day it can be difficult to know where to begin. provides three vital services for churches: Expert to advice to churches on…
Cost of living help in Scotland
As the Evangelical Alliance in Scotland we want to show the love of God to our communities by caring for those most in need. Our hope is that this page can guide people to find the help they need. Links to advice and resources: Help with energy and bills - Energy and bills - Cost of Living Support…
Online meeting security
There are an increasing number of reports that people are ‘trolling’ these online meetings. Trolling is internet slang for someone who deliberately provokes arguments and fights, often by saying insensitive things or posting explicit content – basically, the internet’s version of schoolground…
Tim Coysh
COVID-19 conspiracy theories putting Christian minorities at risk
In Somalia, the radical Islamist al-Shabaab group told Muslims that coronavirus is spread "by the crusader forces (read: Christians) who have invaded the country and the disbelieving countries that support them". In Russia, state TV station Channel One falsely reported that an evangelical church in…
Ben Cohen
Online church and safeguarding
This article covers online aspects of ​'church in lockdown', but there are more areas we need to consider, so we feature more on our website Christian Safeguarding Services. Each church context is different, so it’s important leaders consider their own specific needs and challenges and assess the…
Paul & Sue Harrison
Relationships and Sex Education in secondary schools
These documents provide guidance and advice relating to Relationships and Sex Education at secondary schools.Given the new Relationships and Sex Education subject explores what it means to be human and what it means to be a person in community, parents have an opportunity, whichever type of…
Now may be a struggle, but better days are coming
When the measures to curb the spread of COVID-19 were first put in place on 23 March, it felt as though there was a target we were collectively striving towards, but now that goal has come and gone and mass quarantine has been extended. For many, the passing of this first review date came with the…
Bethany Macleod
An opportunity to go deeper with Jesus and others
However, I think this season, though challenging, provides an opportunity to shift western consumer church culture. Something that usually hangs on how good the worship or talk was last Sunday can move to a deeper, more personal and rooted relationship with Jesus and other members of our church…
Alan Radbourne
Tik Tok, Instagram, and what your youth need right now
In the last few weeks, we have seen a shift. YouTube channels started, Instagram pages created, and churches rapidly checking online safeguarding policies to make sure they're ready for this necessary change. Honestly, I am thrilled that there seems to finally be an understanding of the need for…
Ben Cutting
Parliament and coronavirus: the work of select committees
An important way in which our Parliament does this is through select committees, which are groups of MPs or members of the House of Lords who focus on one area of government policy. There are quite a few currently looking at various aspects of COVID-19 and the Government’s response. Here ishow…
John Coleby
Human rights in China during COVID-19
Let’s be clear: we do not mean China as a country or the Chinese people, who are the primary victims of the brutal regime led by Xi Jinping, and we should at all times make that distinction. We believe we should continue to find ways to strengthen people-to-people relations, and to support the…
Benedict Rogers