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Displaying 1066-1080 of 2670 results found.

Turning 'scary evangelism' on its head

Looking back, I can see how my discouragement, fear and pride were all getting in the way, and the tragedy is that nobody called me to account for this. I felt a failure. Research shows that I’m not alone. A survey carried out by the Evangelical Alliance back in 2012 revealed that 48 per cent of…

10 March 2020
Tim Moyler

NOW CLOSED: Gender Recognition Act reform – Scotland

The Scottish Government is currently consulting on proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act. Many members have contacted us seeking guidance in responding to this consultation before the closing date of 17 March. The area of transgender and gender identity is topical, sensitive and complex,…

Coronavirus: a Christ-centred response

Across the UK 85 cases had been confirmed as of Wednesday, 4 March. This is a relatively small number compared to the 80,000 so far confirmed in China and the further 10,000 in other countries around the world. It will probably never be known how accurate these figures are, with the BBC reporting…

5 March 2020
Danny Webster

The contagiousness of hope

The conversation in coffee shops, colleges, corner shops and the corridors of power is how to stop it spreading – because powerful things spread. And they do so most potently and quickly through networks of relational connection. 2014 saw an outbreak of the Ebola virus that tragically killed many…

10 March 2020
Phil Knox

Will you share yours?

Alongside his research and resourcing at the Evangelical Alliance, Phil has also been carefully putting into words the passion he has always felt for sharing Jesus and sharing stories. His first book, Story Bearer, encourages all Christians, whatever age and life stage, to treasure their story and…

11 March 2020
Eve Paterson

What's stopping us?

We were having a great week and being blown away by all the Lord was doing. The theme of ‘Only the Brave’ exploring determined discipleship from the book of James was having a huge impact on the event and we were settling down to hear another message. The diminutive figure of Hae Woo unassumingly…

11 March 2020
Gavin Calver

Created equal

Second-wave feminism has been a topic of heated, sometimes controversial and complex, debate, but is fundamental to understanding our current our society and has also been discussed in churches. Politically, spiritually and socially this issue splits society down the middle in many ways. As…

11 March 2020
Christine Uhlig

We build together

Every word of every phrase has been commented upon, interpreted, explained, meditated upon multiple times, and yet every utterance remains profound and invites the believer praying it to a closer relationship with the Lord. The opening words “Our Father” not only acknowledge to whom we come in…

11 March 2020

Safeguarding policy

Read the Evangelical Alliance's policy on safeguarding

Praying during the coronavirus crisis

Each Thursday we offer a new prayer amid coronavirus. We would love for you to join with us in coming before God our Father to ask for His peace, grace and guidance during a difficult time for our country. If you would like to receive these prayers straight to your inbox, sign up to receive our…


Latest news, information and prayer around coronavirus

Heroes and hoarders

The country may not literally be on fire, but it's the imagery of the person running into the flames rather than away from the risk that we are buoyed by, that we admire, that is lauded so strongly on social media and the news. One of the challenges of this specific crisis is how inactive and…

19 March 2020
Danny Webster

How can we be salt and light in a world that needs more hope?

What we choose to do with our private lifestyle, when no one is watching, will either mean that our public lives go from strength to strength, or it will mean that we end up having an increasingly limited ability to live well. And, what I have discovered over many years of following Jesus is that…

19 March 2020
Jon Stockley

Top tips for doing church digitally

My past week has been a hive of activity resourcing the local church and working with other church communications teams, creating resources, learning from each other, and sharing best practice. Our desire has been to discover what God is making available to us all in this time, and through this I…

20 March 2020
Mark Crosby

Serving the UK church in this difficult moment

Prayer n this season of different routines and patterns, we are learning to pray more and listen to God – perhaps saying the Lord’s Prayer as we wash our hands. This is a great opportunity to make sure God is the primary voice we are all listening to, rather than social media. Practical advice The…

20 March 2020
Peter Lynas