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Displaying 1036-1050 of 2670 results found.

Ten ways to keep your church focused on evangelism

Evangelism is summarised by Robert Warren as “the processes whereby people become disciples of Jesus Christ.” Those processes are helpfully described by missiologist David Bosch: “evangelism is the core, heart and centre of missions; it consists in the proclamation of salvation in Christ to…

23 January 2019

The Archbishop of Canterbury's top ten tips for evangelism

The Most Revd Justin Welby shared his wisdom on evangelism with the Premier team . Here’s his top ten tips on sharing Christ with those around you...1. Evangelism isn't something you can opt out of Welby says that one of the problems in our approach to evangelism is that we have professionalised…

19 October 2016
Lucinda van der Hart

The Great Commission

There are clear instructions from Jesus in the Gospels to spread the good news. Jesus gave his church a mandate to go and make disciples:"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey…

4 October 2016

The great divide

I’ve got a confession: toddler groups have saved my sanity. I’ve got three children and have spent many hours in toddler groups. They are the places where I’ve learnt that it’s okay not to be okay, a place where I’ve discussed my fears, shared my joy, laughed, cried and survived motherhood. But I…

12 June 2019
Joe Watson

This isn't how God made it

As part of our Inspiring Women series, Nell encourages us to be praying for women in difficult situations all around the world – that they may find healing and freedom, and ultimately to come to know Jesus themselves.I’ll be the first to admit it, I was an annoying child. One of my favourite games…

23 February 2018
Alianore Smith

To the ends of the earth

As a University student, there are so many amazing opportunities to share Jesus with your peers. The Christian Union put on fantastic events that are the culmination of many months of careful planning, and events week, in particular, is often the focus of the Christian Union’s calendar. I think…

27 February 2019
John Oliver

Top tips for preparing a Christmas preach

You can imagine the scene. Mulled wine and mince pies have been merrily consumed. A smattering of Santa hats and reindeer ears litter the congregation as fairy lights flicker above them. The dulcet tones of ‘Joy to the World’ die down; the talk is about to begin. You stand up to speak with…

21 November 2018
Bekah Oliver

What's at the heart of your Christmas?

However, we feel increasingly challenged to make a point of Jesus being the 'reason for the season’, not just the presents, chaos and food. There is something about the build up to the 25th that needs to be reversed and reclaimed. Rather than just preparing earthly things like food, drink and…

29 November 2017
Anne Calver

What's the Bible got to say about praying for lost loved ones?

It's so important that we are praying for our family and friends who don't know Jesus, but it can be hard to keep praying when we don't seem to see many results. How many times have we prayed something along the lines: "Lord, please save Julia," and yet nothing seems to change? I know I have many…

17 May 2017
Dr Liz Linssen

Where do I start in prayer and evangelism?

It's so important for us to rediscover the priority and place of prayer in our evangelism, witness and mission. Prayer for evangelism is about praying for ourselves as Christians. Praying that we are full of the love and compassion of our Heavenly Father – and for God to open doors for…

19 October 2016

Where have all the teenagers gone?

Recent research showed that 86% of those who become Christians in the UK do so under the age of twenty-five (Evangelical Alliance, Time for Discipleship?, 7). This shows the huge need for evangelistic youth ministry and the incredible potential it possesses. The difficult and disengaging teenagers…

20 February 2017
Gavin Calver

Why me? Your story is worth sharing

"I’m outside." Two terrible words to receive in a text message if you're just out of the shower, frantically throwing on clothes (you don’t even care if they're yours at this stage), toothbrush hanging out of your mouth, wishing you'd packed your bag the night before and set your alarm half an hour…

17 January 2018
Phil Knox

Film review: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Loosely inspired by an article about Rogers from 1998 by journalist Tom Junod, this is a story about dealing with a legacy of childhood trauma – a moral tale that would be at home on Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood itself. Stories and lines from the article are sprinkled throughout the film, though…

23 January 2020
Abi Jarvis

The Christian behind the movie

Multiple generations grew up watching Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood and learning from his teaching. "I got into television because I hated it so," Rogers said in 2000. Rather than simply complaining, he pursued the more difficult path of trying to transform TV. "I thought ... there's some way of…

23 January 2020
Abi Jarvis

The ‘Luanda Leaks’ and our desire for justice

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists were given access to more than 700,000 leaked documents about dos Santos’ financial activities which led to the charges being made against her. Her father is former Angola President José Eduardo dos Santos, who was in charge from 1979 to…

23 January 2020
Chris Ringland