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Displaying 1006-1020 of 2576 results found.

Creating a culture of family

A while ago I asked God to show me how we can join him in building our community into a family. I have since discovered that it's a complex process, but at its heart is a simple ethic: one of inviting people inwards. As well as Sunday worship, we have a variety of events that extend that invitation…

25 April 2018
Nick Graves

Creating an evangelistic culture

If we are to see our nations changed by local congregations, we must all grow in confidence in sharing our stories of what Jesus has done for us. We must create a culture of confidence in the gospel. We must be disciples who make disciples. And I believe that prayer has a key role in developing…

30 May 2017
Fred Drummond

Creative ways to reach the millennial generation

In just two decades the number of 20-somethings in the Church has halved. You were more likely to survive the Titanic than ‘survive’ Church into adulthood. More than 40 per cent of 18 – 24 year olds think “religion is more often the cause of evil in the world”. At the Evangelical Alliance, we…

24 February 2017
Amaris Cole

Cultivating a multicultural toddler group

I often hear people complaining that society has changed for the worse, and our young people are growing up in an increasingly dangerous world. The media gives us the impression that crime rates are rising, family values are disappearing, neighbourhoods are fracturing, and every toddler in the…

19 June 2019
Chrishanthy Sathyaraj

Do my doubts disqualify me?

I’ve always been someone who asks questions. It's a character trait that's helpful in certain situations, but at other times I’ve just wanted to swallow the blue pill and embrace the phrase “ignorance is bliss” (you can tell my age by this outdated pop-culture reference...!). An area of life where…

8 May 2019
Rich Powney

Don't leave Jesus in the manger

I love Christmas. It’s an amazing time of fun, celebration, food and joy. More than anything else it’s the moment when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, and it’s been amazing these last few weeks to remember the Saviour of the world being born in Bethlehem. Those around us seem so much more…

27 December 2017
Gavin Calver

Evangelism for dummies

The experts give us their advice on how we can all share our faith.Chapter 1 - who should be an evangelist? Some Christians are amazing evangelists, and can reel off amazing stories of bringing people to Jesus. Gavin Calver, the Alliance's director of mission, is one of those people. So we asked…

10 January 2017
Amaris Cole

Finding God in unexpected places

I didn’t think this was the sort of place I’d meet a Christian. This is a fairly regular phrase I hear as our teams at Third Space Ministries go about sharing God’s love in the ‘third spaces’ of society; places outside of home and work; places of leisure such as gyms, nightclubs, pubs, cafes. I…

23 October 2016
Carolyn Skinner

Finding Jesus in His word

We believe that Jesus is worth sharing. But often talking about Him with a friend can feel difficult. Sometimes we just don’t know where to start. Sometimes we'll chat about Christianity and science, or suffering, but we never quite get to Jesus Himself. Perhaps you are wondering what the first…

20 February 2019
Nay Dawson

Five secrets to sharing Jesus with elderly parents

David had been raised in a close-knit family with an upper middle class lifestyle and value system. His father was a successful businessman with an international reputation, and his mother a professor of Middle European culture and languages. When he became a Christian at university his parents…

13 March 2019
Louise Morse

Five ways to make Jesus known at university

What is university life like for you? Sports, nights out, lectures, Netflix, more? Believe it or not, university is one of the most open and exciting places for mission that you’ll ever come across. For many, university will be their best opportunity to hear of Christ, experience his love and know…

2 October 2017
JP Wright

Go - a reflection on the great commission

All the words of Jesus are important. He said nothing by chance, and in the power of the Holy Spirit the words of Jesus are transformative. Perhaps some of the most well-known of Jesus’ words take place as the resurrected Lord meets the disciples on a mountain he had told them to go to. They are…

19 October 2016
Fred Drummond

How to nail Father’s Day at your church

The idea of celebrating Father’s Day in church is one that divides us. Is it an opportunity not to be missed? An irrelevance? A cause for celebration? Commercial exploitation? What are your views? Perhaps you think it’s fine as a secular tradition, but not for the church? Hopefully I can change…

13 June 2018
Mark Chester

How to thrive in Events Week

As any student might be able to tell from the sea of matching jumpers across campus, Christian Union Events Weeks are upon us. The publicity is beginning to pop up on social media, you've received pleas to brand your profile picture and start those ‘invitation conversations’, and you’re probably…

6 February 2019
Rachel Bourner

Invitation - at the heart of the great commission

Twelve years ago a simple truth turned my life around – that before you can welcome someone to your church you have to go through the fear barrier of inviting them! I was working on the Back to Church Sunday project, which developed in 18 countries and has allowed me to conduct over 850 focus…

18 January 2017
Michael Harvey