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Displaying 706-720 of 2576 results found.

Magnificently mundane

The post-holiday blues have led me to reflect more on the value of the everyday, ordinary activities of life, however. They’ve even caused me to try and embrace the mundane. Social media can make it seem like life is one big, ‘instagrammable’ adventure. Yet, at least in my experience, the majority…

19 September 2019
Richard Powney

Reaching the 10 million

But ultimately, we’re involved because, as we look to reach people in Bicester with the gospel, we see amazing opportunities to meet and interact with people who don’t know Jesus through the medium of sport. It’s estimated that 10 million people play sport each week in the UK. Within a few miles of…

20 September 2019
Jonny Reid

Biblical checks and balances

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn brought forward his speech to the Labour Party conference to return to London for parliament to sit on 25 September with a sparse agenda of prayers and urgent questions and ministerial statements (if any). The 11 justices of the Supreme Court ruled unanimously on 24…

26 September 2019
Danny Webster

Public Leader course is coming to Wales

Wales is the land of revival, a place where God has undoubtedly blessed and been visible powerfully. The power of the Welsh revival is most clearly visible in this, sinners had their eternal destination changed when they found Jesus. People received life that can only come from Jesus and that is…

27 September 2019
Sam Pritchard

Walking with wisdom and seasoning our speech

In a week where the words of a court judgment led to parliament resuming operations, one wonders whether it might not have been better for them to stay away a little longer. The three years since the vote to leave the EU have shown the heightened impact of speech on political culture and how that…

27 September 2019
Danny Webster

Change at the Evangelical Alliance 'for such a time as this'

As a member of the Evangelical Alliance council, it was wonderful to be at the commissioning of Gavin as the new CEO. I didn't tweet about the moment because I wanted to reflect more than a tweet would allow. There is a need to look back with thanks and gratitude as well as celebrate what is to…

1 October 2019
Kay Morgan-Gurr

A rising generation of Christian public leaders

Kingdom-focused. Servant-hearted. Brave. What does it mean to be a Christian public leader today?

New government envoy appointed for freedom of religion and belief

Speaking about his appointment last month, Mr Chishti said: “I am delighted to have been appointed as the PM’s Special Envoy. I have championed freedom of religion and belief for much of my life. I shall use the UK Government’s global network to take real action to support those persecuted for…

3 October 2019
John Coleby

AI technology: missing the heart

The job interview check-list:Re-read your application.Research the organisation and team you’ll be joining.Consider what to wear.Think about how your language, tone and facial expressions will be analysed by artificial intelligence (AI) technology.Wait, what?As fantastical as it might sound, a…

3 October 2019
Abi Jarvis

Thy Kingdom Come penetrates the world

From Bangladesh to Brazil, Australia to Austria and South Africa to the Solomon Islands, Thy Kingdom Come has seen millions of Christians, across 65 different traditions and denominations, pray during the 11 days between Ascension and Pentecost.This year, the prayer movement has been endorsed by a…

8 October 2019
Kemi Bamgbose

Munud i Feddwl

Cyfres Munud I Feddwl a ddarlledwyd gan Siân ar BBC Radio Cymru yn ystod mis Medi


Wel, mae’r hâf yn dirwyn i ben ac mae yna flwyddyn academaidd newydd ar fîn cychwyn. Roedd wythnos cyntaf mis Medi yn wythnos gyffroes pan oeddwn i yn blentyn. Doedd y cyfryngau cymdeithasol ddim yn bodoli ar y pryd, felly os ddim byd arall, roedd mynd yn ol i’r ysgol yn gyfle da i ddal i fyny efo…

8 October 2019


Tybed pa fath o fore rydych chi’n ei gael mor belled? Ydy hi wir yn fore da, neu wnaeth sŵn eich cloc larwm wneud i chi riddfan?! Tybed faint ohonoch chi wrandawyr sydd wrthi’n gwneud paned, neu’n bwriadu ymweld â’r gampfa neu wrthi’n paratoi i fynd â’r ci am dro? Efallai fod yna rai pobl ffodus yn…

8 October 2019

Mwynhau Duw

Gyda llai nag wythnos i fynd tan gêm gyntaf Cymru yn erbyn gwlad Georgia yng nghwpan y byd yn Siapan, tybed sut mae’ch paratoadau chi’n mynd? Ydy’r crys rygbi yn barod i’w wisgo? Ydy’r gemau i gyd yn eich dyddiadur? Wrth gwrs, i’r chwareuwyr, dyma binacl gyrfa gyfan o baratoi; miloedd o oriau yn…

8 October 2019


Gyda gȇm agoriadol Cymru yng Nghwpan y Byd bellach wedi ei ennill, mae’n siwr y bydd hyfforddwyr, sylwebyddion a chefnogwyr ein tîm rygbi yn treulio’r dyddiau nesaf yn gwerthuso perfformiad ein chwareuwyr ac yn trafod sut y gallen nhw baratoi ar gyfer gwynebu Awstralia ar fore dydd Sul. Wrth gwrs,…

8 October 2019