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Displaying 691-705 of 2576 results found.

Public leadership: Seeking God’s kingdom first

A foodbank, a new business venture, mums and tots in the portacabin at church, recycling your plastic bottles. A teacher bringing knowledge to her students, a lawyer fighting for justice, a nurse compassionately binding up wounds. Kingdom seems to be used as a neat shorthand for everything we used…

2 September 2019
David Smyth

Public leadership: Offering a future and a hope

The great commission – Jesus’ instruction to “go and make disciples of all the nations” – has propelled many Christians worldwide to spread the good news of salvation in Jesus. For the Evangelical Alliance, a unity movement formed 173 year ago, the most effective way to do so has always been by…

2 September 2019
Naomi Osinnowo

Public leadership: Look back to go forward

Surely, it is the present that leaders need to understand not the past? But, what if we understood history as a vital matter of identity? What if history were a necessary part of generating a rich missional imagination for what public leaders might achieve today? For the last 2000 years Christians…

2 September 2019
Dr Sarah Williams

Public leadership: Leading in making Jesus known

I have long struggled with the way I hear many Christians refer to the concept of ‘servant leadership’. It seems to have been misunderstood as an advocation for a path of service only, to turn away from leadership roles and simply wait to be asked to do something instead. I think servant…

2 September 2019
Abi Jarvis

CCND: “Let's unite and say no to nuclear”

These are the words of Russell Whiting, development manager at Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (Christian CND). In this interview, he reveals that after becoming a Christian, he reviewed his outlook on different life issues and, “scared” by the potential threat of nuclear weapons,…

23 September 2019
Joanna Sopylo-Firrisa

Do not be afraid

Then, as a colleague followed me into the room and was treated to the same greeting, I realised that there was nothing special about me on this particular Wednesday morning, just that the Evangelical Alliance team was feeling full of life, warmth and enthusiasm, and wanted to share the love with…

5 September 2019
Alexandra Davis

Christianity belongs in the classroom too

The answer is no. But, how can we help pupils make authentic choices about what to believe and what to value? On Monday, 26 August, Scotland-wide charity Christian Values in Education Scotland launched a free online resource based on the three key needs for schools its work has identified. 1.…

9 September 2019
Richard Coton

Thank you and goodbye from Steve Clifford

As I write, I do so with a whole mixture of emotions. It’s now 10 years since I took on this role, and I regard it as an amazing privilege to have been called by God to serve Him and His church within the Evangelical Alliance. I’m incredibly thankful to God for all that has been achieved over the…

Reaching young adults: a journey of hope, not despair

Growing up at a time of global instability in the wake of a digital revolution was always going to make sociological and cultural waves. The effect of these are identified and analysed in a huge piece of research released on Tuesday by Barna Group and World Vision. Faith for the Future surveyed…

11 September 2019
Phil Knox

A time to rest

By now all the holidays are over with: the kids are back in school; students are starting to head back to university; and the rest of us are settling back into our usual routines and rhythms. The train carriage has been fuller this week than it was over the summer, and in the city centre…

12 September 2019
Bethany Macleod

Open Doors calls for big prayers to our big God

I spent a significant amount of time vaguely praying, “Your will be done”, fearful that any wrong theology or misspoken word could have disastrous effects. Of course, I’m sure this isn’t what the youth leader meant, but it took many years to realise that I’d jumped to the wrong conclusions.God is a…

21 October 2019
Erin James

Boost for young, hurting and at-risk

As a teenager I struggled with overwhelming feelings of hopelessness. I frequently thought about ending my life and tried to cope day by day through self-harm and disordered eating. But I had one or two key people who refused to give up on me, who held onto hope for my life, and gradually I began…

28 October 2019
Joy Wright

Welcoming the world

Students like Albert who last year arrived in the UK from Hungary to study wildlife biology at the University of South Wales. He recalled, “I arrived here not knowing a single person. The first month was tough: I had never lived on my own, so I had to get independent quickly. I started learning to…

25 September 2019
Jack Bentley

Myles MacBean: Disney, 'The 95' and collaboration

Having a long-standing relationship with the Christian charity, Myles was pleased to see that SU still bravely seeks to actively reimagine what they do so they can continue to equip local churches and volunteers to speak effectively into the very different context of today’s young people in today’s…

30 September 2019
Naomi Osinnowo