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Displaying 676-690 of 2576 results found.

On a mission to develop disciple-making leaders

Having been appointed to the role of head of ministry operations at Evangelical Alliance member Living Leadership in May this year, it’s clear that the desires of Paul’s heart are God’s too. Paul shares in this interview that he’s been “following step by step the leading of the Spirit” and he’s now…

7 October 2019
Naomi Osinnowo

Whispers of freedom

Today, the former British colony is ruled by China as ‘One country under two systems.’ Its laws differ and Hong Kong’s citizens enjoy a degree of independence – which many now fear is under threat. Their concern is that Hong Kong citizens suspected of crimes could being extradited to the mainland…

26 August 2019
Paul Robinson

Book review: In Search of the Common Good

This book is broad in its sweep and ambitious in its vision. It is better at analysing the challenges Christians face than telling them what to do to put things right. But, and I think if I’ve read Meador correctly, he isn’t trying to issue a manifesto for achieving the common good; he is, rather,…

20 August 2019
Danny Webster

Book review: Culture Making

Crouch argues that Christians have spent time and energy condemning, critiquing, copying and consuming culture, either in an effort to seem ‘relevant’ to the world, or in a failure to express any distinction from it. He suggests that “the only way to change culture is to create more of it… If…

21 August 2019
Abi Jarvis

Ashers bakery case is going to European Court of Human Rights

Mr Lee ordered a cake with the slogan ‘support gay marriage’ from a bakery owned by a Christian family in 2014. The bakery initially accepted and then declined the order to make the cake. Mr Lee, backed by the Equality Commission in Northern Ireland, sued the bakery for damages for alleged…

21 August 2019
David Smyth

Christian witness in this political moment

There is expected to be a no confidence vote early September, and if this is lost and no alternative government can be formed, the country will once again go to the polls. In the event of an election in the coming months, Christians will be faced with greater than usual challenges in how to engage.…

21 August 2019
Danny Webster

£1m boost to help churches and charities 'grow lives'

Allchurches Trust launched its £1m Growing Lives grants programme in May this year, which is aimed at helping churches build lasting links with local families and support the next generation to reach their potential.Some 21 projects have received a share of £276,487 of funding in the first wave of…

28 August 2019
Emma Smith

But it's not fair

Life, in contrast to God’s character, can often be unjust. We have all been hurt by people – sometimes intentionally, sometimes accidentally. We have all been treated in a way which is unkind, unfair, disrespectful. We have all been disillusioned, with a job, a relationship, a leader or…

29 August 2019
Alexandra Davis

Enemies no more

This was just a few days before traditional republican commemorations which take place every year to commemorate the Easter Rising. Public outcry following her death was swift and sincere, contrasting with the hollowness of the ‘apology’ from the IRA which “claimed responsibility” for the killing.…

29 August 2019
David Smyth

Justice – it's all in the word

Theologian Vinoth Ramachandra’s powerful statement is found in session two of Live Justly, a 10-part Bible study used across six continents, and it’s inspiring Christians to be good news to their communities – bringing justice, restoration and hope. But what does it mean to be people of justice in…

29 August 2019
Jack Wakefield

Where's the catch?

But why doesn’t God simply get rid of the injustice and suffering in our world? This is a question we’ve heard and, perhaps, asked ourselves. I was thinking about this recently, when climbing with Caleb, my seven-year-old son. Far from an avid climber, I will dabble when the rock-face is made of…

29 August 2019
Darren Richards

Breaking down barriers

But, what if someone cannot access courts or advice and the protection they may offer? In this case, access to justice becomes as much an issue as the laws themselves. Bearing this in mind, how have Christians, children of a just God, approached this issue of access to justice and the problems…

29 August 2019
John Coleby

Medics on a mission

In many ways, and despite logisticalc challenges, this opening couldn’t have come at a more perfect time for him and the growing evangelical healthcare community. No stranger to the Evangelical Alliance member organisation, Mark joined CMF over two decades ago in the mid-1990s, when he was a…

29 August 2019
Naomi Osinnowo

Annual report 2018-2019

Our 2018-19 Annual Report shows you in detail what where our funding has come from, and our impact over the last year. In our annual report, you’ll find all the facts and figures as well as stories of what God has been doing across the UK.

God’s greatest rescue plan

The girls, Isla and Eilidh, were on the beach when they heard the toddler crying and saw the man, who had his son on his shoulders, in trouble. The older girl swam out to them on her lilo and helped them to shore, while the younger one went back to get her phone. In life, some dangers are so clear…

29 August 2019