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Displaying 661-675 of 2576 results found.

The ultimate greatest of all time is Jesus

Just over the weekend, Lewis Hamilton won a record 6th British Grand Prix; Djokovic beat his rival Federer in the second longest Wimbledon men’s singles final in history; the England and Wales cricket team won the Cricket World Cup Final in spectacular fashion; not to mention the ongoing Netball…

18 July 2019

Gavin Calver announced as new CEO of the Evangelical Alliance

The Evangelical Alliance is pleased to announce that Gavin Calver will be our new CEO. He will succeed general director Steve Clifford, who announced in April that he will step down later this year. Dr Tani Omideyi, chair of the Evangelical Alliance’s board of trustees, said: “Gavin excelled…

22 July 2019

Evangelical Alliance granted core participant status in Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

The Evangelical Alliance has been granted core participant status in the Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse (IICSA) investigation regarding child protection in religious organisations and settings. “We are grateful for the opportunity to engage with this important and much needed…

23 July 2019

The power of the gathered and scattered church

I don’t think I’ve ever been asked this question by people who spend most of their time scattered on different frontlines throughout the week, but it's one I have regularly been asked by church leaders. Understandably enough. It’s a question that suggests other concerns: Should all the ministry of…

29 July 2019
Dr Neil Hudson

Leaders, you're not alone

A name you are likely less familiar with (unless you’re a space enthusiast) is Chris Kraft, the first flight director of NASA, who died two days after the anniversary. Kraft invented the planning and control processes for crewed space missions and set up Nasa's Mission Control operations to manage…

25 July 2019
Abi Jarvis

Crazy golf and the redemption of all things

Rochester Cathedral has attracted both criticism and praise for its decision to install a crazy golf course in its nave. An act of desecration declared one columnist, who also highlighted the helter-skelter at Norwich Cathedral. Journalists ran amok with pun-filled headlines “fairway to heaven”,…

1 August 2019
Danny Webster

Prayers during August

Thank you for joining with us in prayer this month!

Finding purpose and vocation in the work that we're called to

Zoë Down works for national education charity, IntoUniversity, which aims to inspire children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to achieve through a network of learning centres delivering high-quality, aspiration-raising programmes with 7-18 year olds. Zoë is based in the North…

6 August 2019
Zoë Down

Faith and Police Together – what's new?

It’s now been almost one year since I started my role as project manager in September 2018, and ahead of the official 12-month ‘embedding’ phase of this project coming to an end, I’d like to share with readers some updates. The last few months have seen me travel all over the country, meeting with…

12 August 2019
Marie Reavey

This little light of mine

On Friday it was recorded that July was the world’s warmest month ever, with temperatures hitting new highs around the globe, including in the Arctic. While we all know the increasing concern about rising temperatures, and whether you’re a fan of the heat or not, it’s fair to say that sunshine…

8 August 2019
Stefan Douglas

From Maasai herdsboy to the Archbishop of Kenya

But when I was nine years old, myself and the other Maasai boys in my village were told to attend school. It was there that I started to learn about Jesus and my curiosity about faith started to grow. The following year I became sponsored through children’s charity World Vision, which meant I was…

19 December 2019
Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit

Will you go screen free for persecuted Christians?

This is a massive challenge to the church. Young people can see when we’re not invested or passionate. They don’t want to be talked down to. They want something that is real and genuine, especially when it comes to faith. As parents, youth leaders or church workers, we often complain that young…

14 October 2019
Naomi Allen

Can you be a beacon of light?

Christchurch parish in Dorset have chosen the latter option, using Light Parties as a way to reach out to their community and to build relationships. In October 2018 Heidi Haagensen, the parish’s children and families worker, organised their first ever Light Party. She says: ‘The Light Party for us…

9 September 2019
Jennifer Babb

A creative response to social justice issues

The aim is to close his stubby four-year-old hands around something valuable and take it back down. Not gold or money. But maybe a metal can, a plastic bottle, or perhaps a pile of old magazines. Anything for which his family might get a few centavos towards the week’s bread. All around him is the…

16 September 2019
Luke Cawley

Syria, hope and forgiveness

The Independent reports that at least 30 British children are living with their mothers in refugee camps in northern Syria, often in poor conditions. The Government’s decision follows controversy around Shamima Begum, which I wrote about here This fresh decision has reopened the debate. No one…

15 August 2019
John Coleby