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Displaying 646-660 of 2576 results found.

Take a godly look at the brain

Many people, regardless of their beliefs about God, perceive prayer to be a useful religious activity. But what happens in the brain when people pray? In recent years, this discipline of the devout has been studied closely by neuroscientists. Professor Andrew Newberg, the director of research at…

19 August 2019
Sharon Dirckx

The church and women (’s football)

Sure, a few early adopters may have been watching the Lionesses for years, following the ins and outs of the women’s league with the same dedication as the millions who follow men’s football. At a guess, a good number of readers are in the same boat as me. Watching the England ladies play up a…

27 June 2019
Alexandra Davis

Speaking about the value of life in a confused society

It would seem as though we are not as comfortable with the continued normalisation of ending life before birth as is often portrayed. More than 100,000 people have signed a petition to protest a court’s judgment to end a pregnancy through force of law. Fortunately, the Court of Appeal has…

27 June 2019
Danny Webster

Methodist Evangelicals Together push for biblical orthodoxy

The report represents a watershed moment in the life of the Methodist Church in Britain. If its resolutions are adopted, the approach of the Methodist Church to marriage and relationships will be fundamentally changed. The Church is called to remain faithful to the biblical teaching on sexuality,…

Love food, love Jesus, love Simply Eat

Do you love to eat?Do you love to talk about Jesus?Have you ever tried doing both at the same time?No? Maybe now’s the time to start. If you’re anything like me, you’re really happy to sit down and enjoy a good meal. And you’re really happy to talk about your favourite things while you do. And one…

1 July 2019
Alexandra Davis

Celebrating 20 years of the Scottish parliament

The opening of the Scottish parliament 20 years ago was celebrated for giving the people of Scotland a voice. The parliament is set up in such a way that it is accessible for all. Additionally, with regular surgeries and a number of simple ways to contact our MSPs, it is easy to speak to MSPs and…

1 July 2019

Our top tips for running SENT

1: Make sure the whole church is behind itOne of the participants told his church leader (who had personally invited him to join the course) that he felt this was the first time the church body had acknowledged the value and importance of the leadership role he held at work. Others said that they…

Why would I want to speak with a stranger?

It’s been a full-on few weeks learning to live with a very friendly but also very untrained animal. However, amidst all the toilet trips, chewing and play biting, we’ve both noticed an interesting phenomenon. As we’ve taken our puppy outside to get him used to traffic, other people, cyclists, other…

4 July 2019
Richard Powney

Animal welfare: extending God's love

Indeed, I would have been rather taken aback at the idea of relating my Christian faith to the advocacy of animals. I suspect this is a not an uncommon attitude among evangelicals, and is reasonable given the cultural context. Yet several prominent evangelical leaders from previous generations may…

11 September 2019
Daryl Booth

Prayers during July 2019

Thank you for joining with us in prayer this month!

Government must tackle Christian persecution, says report

The Bishop of Truro’s independent report to the Foreign Secretary highlighted that the persecution of Christians should be considered as a global phenomenon, but one with a wide variety of triggers and drivers. Because of the gradual emergence of this problem and the range of causes, the review…

8 July 2019
Danny Webster

Westminster fundamentally undermines devolution on abortion and marriage

MPs at Westminster have voted to fundamentally undermine devolution potentially leading to far-reaching changes to abortion law and the redefinition of marriage in Northern Ireland. Peter Lynas, director of Evangelical Alliance Northern Ireland, commented on the abortion changes: “This is a deeply…

9 July 2019

A diplomatic incident

US President Donald Trump called the British ambassador to the US, Sir Kim Darroch, a “pompous fool” and “a very stupid guy” on Twitter. This followed the leaked publication of sensitive emails which Sir Darroch had sent back to the British government in which he called President Trump “insecure”…

11 July 2019
David Smyth

Our hope is in Jesus

Last night MPs at Westminster voted to extend abortion and same-sex marriage rights to Northern Ireland. The Evangelical Alliance’s director for Northern Ireland, Peter Lynas, reflects on how Christians should respond. I read Psalm 2 last night and again this morning: the nations will always…

11 July 2019
Peter Lynas

Engage: 7 Reasons Your Church Needs More Men

There’s a 2 men: 3 women ratio in the church. For men, there's a massive need for more effective evangelism and discipleship. For women, 2 million must decide - marry a non-Christian or stay single and childless? For children, only 16 per cent of today’s church’s grandchildren will have two…