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Displaying 631-645 of 2576 results found.

Open Doors’ pilgrimage: steps in the right direction

Jesus regularly took time out to pray. But in today’s world there seems to be an endless list of chores, admin and notification pings. And they’re not all superfluous. Instagram will certainly still be there tomorrow, but if you don’t put on a load of washing you will eventually have no clean…

22 July 2019
Erin James

John Truscott: creative organisation consultant

John seeks to resource and encourage Christian leaders, managers, trustees, planners, communicators and administrators. He is passionate about helping the church to become effective for Christ in all is seeks to be and do. His website explains what he offers in consultancy and training for…

Protecting mother and child in Northern Ireland

As a devolved issue, the law on abortion in Northern Ireland is very different to the rest of the UK. in Northern Ireland abortion is permitted but in much more limited situations which relate back to the health and life of the mother rather than the wanted-ness or disability of the baby than is…

19 June 2019
Dawn McAvoy

Book review: Jesus in Town

Elizabeth Mednick, the author, is well qualified to tell this story, as she is married to Michael, the instigator of Barking Churches Unite and a pioneer of inter-church cooperation in the boroughs of east London. The book begins with short biographical sketches of the author and her husband, and…

15 July 2019
Graham Hedges

Creation care: being good stewards of God’s gift

The photo of Greenland’s melting ice has hit headlines. The pack of dogs were seemingly walking on water as their usual frozen paths are now covered in a layer of melting ice. This is a result of Greenland experiencing unusually high temperatures for this time of year, which could have a lasting…

20 June 2019

Changes to gender recognition in Scotland challenged by the Evangelical Alliance

The Evangelical Alliance has called on the Scottish government to provide greater clarity in their planned reform of the Gender Recognition Act. The changes announced reduce the period someone has to have lived in their new gender from the current two years, to six months, with three of those as a…

20 June 2019

The hope of nations

The ordeal of this humble farm labourer with four children began a decade ago, in June 2009, with an argument over a bucket of water, which was deemed unclean by a group of Muslim women after Asia drank from it. In the row that ensued Asia was accused of making offensive remarks about Muhammad, the…

1 July 2019
Dr David Landrum

Free to disagree

So, as we explore freedom in this edition, and I, more specifically, consider freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, I’d like us to revisit this hot topic and think about how discussion of these values has informed policy in the past few years, where these discussions might be going wrong,…

1 July 2019
John Coleby

Inspiring choice

Unlike opt-out provisions available to parents who do not want their children to attend Religious Education lessons, the new Relationships Education curriculum will be compulsory for all children in primary and secondary school in England and Relationships and Sex Education will now have a diluted…

1 July 2019
Peter Mitchell

The word that brings freedom

This was the first verse from the Bible that Afaafa* had ever read. As a Kenyan Muslim who had been through madrassa and had been taught Islamic teaching, she had refused even to touch a Bible. She had planned to convert her Christian friends to Islam, but one of them challenged her to read the…

1 July 2019
Jeremy Weightman

Men without bars

The ‘stirring’, if you like, happened while Ralph listened to a presentation by Catherine Rohr, founder and CEO of a Texas-based charity set up to support people in prison. Having spotted the untapped potential of inmates, she spoke about initiatives that could help prisoners choose an honest…

1 July 2019
Naomi Osinnowo

Evangelical Alliance concerned at Court’s intervention in abortion case

On Friday, a UK Judge ruled that an abortion should be carried out on a Catholic woman in her twenties who suffers from a moderate to severe learning disability. This despite the fact that the women herself wanted to continue with the pregnancy and was supported by her mother and social worker.…

24 June 2019

Generous freedom

The spoils of this war would have established Abram as an undisputed king. He already had the command of 300 men at his disposal and now he had won the wealth of the five richest cities in the region. In the Valley of Kings, the indebted King of Sodom met Abram to plead for mercy and the scraps of…

1 July 2019
Jo Frost

Why SENT is exactly what your community needs

But, have you ever looked at your local Christian community and asked yourself, “Are there Christians here leading in in their workplaces or communities?” In churches up and down the UK, there are leaders in every sector of society, whether that’s in healthcare, arts and media, business, law,…