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Displaying 601-615 of 2576 results found.

A tale of two REs

At the same time, the government published its new statutory guidance on these subjects, which covers the content to be taught and stipulates that in secondary schools there will be no right of withdrawal from RE and a now limited right to withdraw (if the headteacher agrees) from sex…

2 May 2019
Peter Mitchell

The greatest turning in history

Over the past three years, I travelled more than a quarter of a million miles into every corner of the 'House of Islam' – the name that Muslims have long given to an invisible spiritual empire that stretches across the Muslim world, from West Africa to the Indonesian archipelago – to investigate…

26 June 2015
Dr David Garrison

Call to pray for Muslims this Ramadan

Over the years, a growing number of churches around the UK have been welcoming new believers from Muslim backgrounds. A few years back, Dr David Garrison, who has spent much of his life studying the interrelationship of Christianity and Islam, attributed this shift to a combination of factors. He…

3 May 2019
Guest writer

Compassion UK supporter: "Togolese mothers, I stand with you"

In Togo, West Africa, one in every 20 babies will die before their first birthday. This is the equivalent of you going to your local toddler group and knowing that one or two of those babies won't be here in the next year. Just think how shocking that would be. Thankfully, in the UK, it isn't every…

31 May 2019
Michelle Pannell

Book review: Leading – The Millennial Way

Using the research and Simon’s extensive leadership experience, the book investigates major traits of millennial leaders and considers how these traits can be considered benefits, rather than the stereotypical negative assumptions often made about them. For example, the authors challenge the idea…

17 June 2019
Abi Jarvis

A right royal birth

Congratulations came in from Hollywood A-listers, the Obamas and people adorning Union Jack jumpsuits as they lined the streets in a show of support. The birth also prompted Prince William to welcome Harry and Meghan to the 'sleep deprivation society’. As a fellow member of this esteemed society,…

9 May 2019
David Smyth

Prayers during May 2019

Thank you for joining with us in prayer this month!

Helen's Headlines

Produced by Helen Calder, Helen's Headlines are short resources with a Christian ethos for anyone involved in leadership of a Christian charity or church, especially smaller ones. With 40 years of experience, including 17 years as executive director: finance and services at the Evangelical…

A daily struggle for some

On Tuesday evening I visited a friend who I’ve known since I was around 18 years old – that’s a good 16 years. As I made my way into her flat, I noticed that the lights were off and, despite it being a bright, sunny day, her curtains, except one, were drawn. I told her I thought it was dark, but…

16 May 2019
Naomi Osinnowo

Will you join me in prayer for Nigerian political leaders?

Today, good governance and responsive leadership ensure that we all enjoy the dividends of democracy and freedom. Democracy, which connotes majority rule (the candidate with the majority of votes at an election wins the election), carries with it the responsibility of protection of minority groups…

24 June 2019

Connect resource: Scotland

The Evangelical Alliance longs to see Christians engaging with their MSPs in a productive and loving way but we recognise sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start. We hope that this resource will help you to begin to build relationships with your MSPs and encourage you to pray for and…

Julian Richer – what a Christian public leader

In addition to this, a third of the £9.2m he received for the shares is being given back to the staff (excluding the directors), who will receive £1,000 for every year they have worked for the retailer. The average pay-out will be £8,000 but there are 39 employees with more than 20 years’ service.…

20 May 2019
Abi Jarvis

NOW CLOSED: Children not in school consultation guide

In April 2019 the Government published a consultation entitled Children not in School. It proposes new legislation around home education and out-of-school education settings. Some years ago, when the Government was consulting on registering and inspecting out-of-school settings via Ofsted, the…

NOW CLOSED: Government proposals risk register of church activities

Last month, the Government published a consultation entitled Children not in School, on possible legislation around home education and out-of-school education settings. Our Advocacy team at the Evangelical Alliance, have highlighted some concerns with the consultation and asks whether this is the…

Government proposals set to resurrect state-backed register of church activities, says Evangelical Alliance

The Evangelical Alliance, a UK wide Christian group, are calling for the government to abandon proposals to regulate out-of-school settings across England. The government is currently consulting on proposals around home education and out-of-school education settings, which are marred by ambiguity…

22 May 2019