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Displaying 586-600 of 2576 results found.

Turning the tide on youth-related violence

On Saturday I was part of a crowd at Trafalgar Square, London, that had come out to show locals and tourists from around the world that the church stands against knife crime. That evening I went to the cinema and a request that some people stop talking during the film resulted in a young woman…

11 April 2019
Abi Jarvis

Steve Clifford to step down as general director of the Evangelical Alliance after ten years’ service

The Evangelical Alliance has announced that Steve Clifford, its general director, will step down from his role at the end of 2019. Steve has been at the helm of the Evangelical Alliance since April 2009 and over the past decade he has helped the church have confidence in the power of the gospel…

12 April 2019

Steve Clifford to step down as general director

Steve has been at the helm of the Evangelical Alliance since April 2009 and over the past decade he has helped the church have confidence in the power of the gospel and develop a clear voice in public life. But, perhaps above all, the Bradford-born Christian leader has brought together the diverse…

12 April 2019
Danny Webster

Mental health: The church needs to talk about mental health

So, as Joanna Sopylo-Firrisa finds out in this interview, Lade set up The NOUS Organisation in 2015 to raise much-needed awareness of mental health conditions and the steps those who are struggling with their mental health can take to prevent conditions getting worse, aid recovery or avoid a…

Forgetting the end to remember well

When I was younger, I used to be so desperate to know what would happen, that I’d let my eyes either skip to the bottom of the page, or scan over the next few pages. Yet, this significantly lessened the experience of the book. The author didn’t intend for me to know the end of the chapter halfway…

18 April 2019
Richard Powney

Dying for my identity

Many of the people we work with find their faith in Jesus to be a comfort in the face of such intense danger, committing their suffering to God and drawing on promises such as that of 1 Peter 4:14: “If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of…

29 April 2019
Olivia Watkinson

God’s kind of church

From a national perspective, secularisation is rapidly sweeping across society and more and more people identify with non-religious values and institutions. Add to this, the church in Scotland, and the rest of the UK for that matter, tends to be defined by what it prohibits rather than the love it…

29 April 2019
Ian Gall

Finding the ‘missing generation’

If only I were able to tell you that we all had spent the last couple of decades doing just that. Today, I don’t know where most of my peers are at in their walk with Jesus, but I do know there are only a handful of us still going to church. Zoom out from this snapshot and see a wider panorama…

29 April 2019
Phil Knox

Wales, you have my heart

With a longing to see all people around the country enter into the most loving relationship of all, one with the Father in His Son, Siân seeks to establish new partnerships with churches, organisations and individuals around Wales, and deepen those that already exist, in order to spread the…

29 April 2019
Naomi Osinnowo

Reclaiming the holistic view of human identity in Christ

All I felt was good and to be affirmed. I was content to be Sisyphus pushing the boulder up the proverbial hill of western secularism. When I became a Christian in a pub after a radical love-encounter with God, I did not have the luxury to absent myself from the question of identity. I wasn’t able…

29 April 2019
David Bennett

Far above politics

I’ve worked in parliament and politics for long enough to know that we should believe political pundits and experts when they declare that they have no idea what is coming next. Gone are the days of confident predictions and clear trajectories of political movement; we live in an environment with…

29 April 2019
Danny Webster

Sri Lanka attacks: grief-stricken but hope-filled

Because we needed rest, we opted for a more leisurely pace, with an extended beach stay, rather than the typical tourist itineraries. Due to seasonal monsoon cycles, we went to the east coast, just north of Batticaloa, where one of eight explosions in Sri Lanka targeted Christians as they attended…

25 April 2019
Danny Webster

Mental health: Black, Christian and struggling with mental health

The qualified and accredited psychotherapist explains that while mainstream services repeatedly fail to understand the unique needs and outlook of Christians from African and African-Caribbean backgrounds particularly, black-majority churches can often be superstitious about conditions of the mind…

8 May 2019
Naomi Osinnowo

Leader of bombed evangelical church in Sri Lanka offers forgiveness to attackers

The leader of the evangelical church bombed in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday has spoken out, offering forgiveness to the attackers, and thanks to all who have offered prayer and support. Pastor Roshan Mahesen also spoke of his commitment to continue the church’s mission. Speaking in…

26 April 2019

Spoiler alert... Jesus wins

Caleb is growing up in an age when entertainment is instant. He cannot fathom a time when there were four TV channels, a few hours of children’s TV a day, and ‘on demand’ viewing consisted of putting a black box full of tape into a machine and listening to it whir as it wound to the start of the…

2 May 2019
Phil Knox