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Displaying 481-495 of 2576 results found.

United we stand in Christ

I still remember the humble beginnings and how my husband, Jonathan Eden and Christina Balasingham would knock on the doors of people’s homes in Southall, share the gospel, and work among the UK’s growing Tamil community. Southall Tamil Church (STC) was birthed out of this mission work, but God had…

27 December 2018
Chrishanthy Sathiyaraj

Inside out

I identify with Richard Foster in his book Prayer, when he wrote: “We believe prayer is something we should do, even something we want to do; but it seems as if a chasm stands between us and actually praying.” So, here I share practices that I have found helpful as I have grown in intimacy with…

27 December 2018
Fred Drummond

New year. Renewed call

Goals could be to regularly lend a hand at church, or to support more missional work, or they might include more personal challenges such as spend more time reading the Bible and in prayer. Many resolutions fizzle out before people even reach Easter, and often a bigger goal can help people stay…

15 January 2019
Rachel Heald

Pressing into God’s calling

I’m just not very target-orientated. So new year’s resolutions are always a bit hit and miss for me. Last week I read back on my end-of-year reflection from 2017 and it turned out that I’d committed myself to some faith-related goals which I had promptly forgotten about. I did manage to get all the…

3 January 2019
Alexandra Davis

This must be what family looks like

Liz Grier shares Unlimited Church's story of how food and faith can change lives in an extract from Simply Eat, a collection of stories about meeting Jesus around food. Food has always been central to our church. In fact, Unlimited Church in Exeter has never held any form of church service or…

9 January 2019
Liz Grier

Simply Eat: Divine Fruit Salad

Nadina Mary Devabalan shares her story of how food and faith can change lives in an extract from Simply Eat, a collection of stories about meeting Jesus around food. I love making fruit salad for dessert. Sometimes I make it for my family when my dad comes home from work. Our neighbour often pops…

14 January 2019
Nadina Mary Devabalan

A stepping stone to discipleship

Rodel Perez shares his story of how food and faith can change lives in an extract from Simply Eat, a collection of stories about meeting Jesus around food. In September 2016, a men’s small group from Kensington Temple church in Notting Hill organised a Curry Challenge in Bayswater. It’s an annual…

16 January 2019
Rodel Perez

Praying ahead of Brexit

Each week we will be posting suggested prayer points to aid us in our intercession for the UK and our neighbours in the run up to Brexit. You can also read the whole series here.We will also be working with other organisations and partners to serve the church as we unite in prayer at this key…

Praying for our leaders

Join with us as we pray for our political leaders and civil servants as they navigate the course to our future relationship with the EU. "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may…

10 January 2019
John Coleby

Siân Rees joins the Evangelical Alliance as director of Wales

The Evangelical Alliance is delighted to welcome Siân Rees as its new director of the Evangelical Alliance in Wales and to the UK-wide leadership team. Siân joins the Evangelical Alliance having most recently led a performing arts faculty at a secondary school in North Wales. Siân brings to the…

10 January 2019

Love your political leaders

There have been more reminders this week of the sad reality of what our leaders, of all political persuasions, suffer all too often. Alongside the verbal abuse hurled at Anna Soubry MP during a television interview, last year MP Jacob Rees-Mogg and his family were harassed outside their home, and…

10 January 2019

Abernethy Adventure Centres & School of Adventure Leadership

Our mission is to serve you: we believe that shared experiences in the outdoors create incomparable opportunities to transform lives.  We know that adventures with friends, family and classmates create long-lasting memories, deepen relationships, grow character, and strengthen faith (or allow…

Tearfund: Together groups

Together Groups are a way of gathering young people together, helping them work out their skills and guiding them to positively impact people living in poverty. They consist of a personality quiz and multimedia resources including videos and session guides and can be used by any kind of group -…

Tearfund: Jubliee prayer

Jubilee prayer has been produced by Tearfund and 24-7 Prayer in partnership with Christians Against Poverty, Bethany Christian Trust, and Storehouse. There are three sections which each include three prayer stations. Read the overview for a list of materials needed for each station. Print out the…

Tearfund: Poverty Matters

The biblical mandate to serve the poor is strikingly clear, but are the tireless efforts of the church having a positive and lasting impact on poverty? Is it possible that our 'helping' is actually hurting those very people we are trying to help? This guide has been designed to help church…