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Displaying 436-450 of 2576 results found.

Christians in the technological age

There’s nothing futuristic about robots and artificial intelligence (AI) anymore; they are fully present with us in our day-to-day lives – from automated machines, SAT NAVs, Siri and driverless cars. How we choose to interact and use this technology will shape society for years to come. There’s a…

20 November 2018

Young, ambitious and just

Saving lives What would you do if you had to choose between an alcoholic or past drug user and a baby? That’s the reality researchers in my field face. As a PhD student who specialises in organ transplantation, I’ve witnessed the life of one person being ranked more highly than another. We depend…

20 November 2018
Naomi Osinnowo

Be reconciled

Imagine a violent guerrilla war breaks out in the UK from city tower blocks to quaint country villages. Your ‘enemies’ are indistinguishable in a crowd, trust fades and communities polarise. Neighbours and work colleagues are mentally re-categorised by their perceived allegiances. The conflict…

20 November 2018
David Smyth

Light in the digital darkness

"The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out of your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes…

20 November 2018
Jon Turner

A green church is a just church

Christians taking a stand to tackle environmental issues isn’t new. On World Environment Day in 2006, the Church of England launched Shrinking the Footprint, an ambitious environmental campaign to encourage its churches to review and reduce their energy output. With 16,000 church buildings and…

20 November 2018
Naomi Osinnowo

We can make every day a jubilee

Half a tin of beans and a yoghurt. “How long will this last you?” asks the voiceover man as the camera lingers on the saddest of fridges. "Four days," says Holly. So begins the documentary The Debt Saviours which was aired on BBC2 this autumn. It focuses on some of the individuals being helped by…

20 November 2018
John Kirkby

The gospel in 3D

“I grew up knowing that Jesus is my friend, so I didn’t have a moment when I became a Christian, as such,” says Dr Ruth Valerio, Tearfund’s global advocacy and influencing director. But while Ruth was studying theology at Cambridge University, she read a book about environmental care and realised…

20 November 2018
Naomi Osinnowo

Our lives as new creations

Earlier this year a woman who’d joined our church through our coffee shop, who had lived for years under domestic violence but was now free, bounded up to me and said, “It’s incredible! – I’ve just been activated in Christ.” It was a great way of describing the Jesus she’d experienced, and her…

20 November 2018
Dr Deirdre Brower-Latz


Jesus loved people and debated issues. The gospels are full of stories of all sorts of people encountering and being encountered by Jesus. He sought out some of the most marginalised of society and made time for them. His love knew no boundaries, even though He didn't always agree with those He…

Transformed: the resource

This short introduction seeks to help Christians, as individuals and gathered communities, begin to understand and respond well to transgender individuals and the broader ideological movement. It is designed to help work out our Christian understanding of what it is to be human practically,…

What John Lewis tells us about the gift of the gospel

So far, the feedback for John Lewis’ 2018 campaign has been overwhelmingly positive. Entitled ‘The Boy and the Piano’, the advert is a short film starring Elton John. The viewer is taken on a journey with Elton, looking back through the years at stadium tours, playing in pubs, and school concerts.…

22 November 2018
Bethany Macleod

Firm Foundations: helping churches find places to call home.

Over the last few years the Evangelical Alliance has spoken to many churches that have experienced challenges finding properties to meet in and encountered hurdles relating to cost, bureaucracy and opposition. This resource is a starting point for churches grappling with property issues. It…

Firm Foundations – new resource from the Evangelical Alliance

Over the last few years the Evangelical Alliance has spoken to many churches that have experienced challenges finding properties to meet in and encountered hurdles relating to cost, bureaucracy and opposition. Churches that are part of our One People Commission, which represents churches from…

22 November 2018
Danny Webster

Lessons from the life of John Owen

My wife and I decided to travel to London and do some site-seeing for my birthday weekend. When asked what I wanted to spend my time doing in London, I probably gave a surprising answer that might have made my wife re-evaluate the trip, if not her vows. I said that the one place I would love to go…

22 November 2018
Sam Pritchard

Public Leader Scotland: weekend one

A dentist, lawyer, engineers, and a business owner, to name just a few, were among those in attendance, and each had the same intention: to step up, speak out and engage in public life in the area God has placed them.The PLS course’s vision is to see a new generation of Christians in their 20s and…

23 November 2018
Bethany Macleod