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Displaying 421-435 of 2576 results found.

Religious Liberty Commission statement on Asia Bibi

Religious Liberty Commission calls on Prime Minister Imran Khan to allow Asia Bibi to leave Pakistan. The Religious Liberty Commission (RLC) of the Evangelical Alliance is formed of Release International, CSW and Open Doors UK who are all working to support and speak up for those suffering for…

7 November 2018

More to the Christmas story than meets the eye?

We all love the nativity story, but has it become so familiar that we stop hearing it? This year, a detective mouse is on the case and provides a different perspective on the story that changed everything. The Mystery of the New Noisy Neighbour is based on an inquisitive mouse who slowly discovers…

7 November 2018
Ryan Haylock

Remembrance Day: peace built upon sacrifice

This Sunday marks the 100-year anniversary of the end of the First World War. Up and down the country people will gather to remember those who have died in conflicts and wars around the world.

8 November 2018
Richard Powney

Government consultations

The Evangelical Alliance’s advocacy team regularly submits consultation responses on behalf of UK evangelicals and produce consultation guidance notes for individuals, organisations and churches to submit their own response. All five of the points made on writing to your local elected…

A legacy of generosity

As long-standing and committed members of the Evangelical Alliance since 1986, Trevor and Celia generously decided to support the charity through regular donations and a legacy gift. Living in the South West, Trevor and Celia have always felt comforted and reassured knowing that a Christian…

20 November 2018
Lizzie Thomson

God's creatures count in Christ

The UK has long been considered a nation of animal lovers and millions of Christians are among these ranks. Yet rather like other British interests such as football, Doctor Who, incessant queueing and soap operas, animals are rarely thought of as a faith concern which we expect to hear discussed…

20 November 2018
Daryl Booth

Mission Possible – achieving success in mission

During the year, we monitored and evaluated more than 1,500 projects and activities aimed at reaching children and young people who don’t go to church (estimated to be around 95 per cent of under 18s in England and Wales), with the aim of understanding the key factors that contribute to success in…

14 November 2018
Ben Poch

Christmas leaders pack 2019

This year, we want to focus on the fact that Christmas is God with us. We're looking to Matthew 1:23 for our inspiration: "The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel’, which means ‘God is with us’." To help you on your way, we've got a sermon outline from…

Praying for my family, the persecuted church

In prison. At work. In families. So many of those who have chosen to follow Jesus have chosen to do so at the cost of something else – community. Whether they love Jesus in secret because they are aware of the potential retribution of family and neighbours who are against their conversion, or…

15 November 2018
Alexandra Davis

Religious freedom: Asia Bibi and the Home Office

The past few weeks have seen the UK’s asylum system come under scrutiny in how it promotes global religious liberty. Two very different situations present a mixed picture: that of Asia Bibi in Pakistan and training for Home Office officials on asylum claims on grounds of religious persecution. With…

15 November 2018
John Coleby

The Christmas story – a gift for all

A prominent image that comes through any modern-day Nativity story is of Jesus being born in a stable. Luke 2:7 tells us that Mary wrapped her firstborn son and laid Him in a manger because, “there was no guest room available for them”. Essentially, Jesus’ young parents were turned away from…

26 November 2018
Matt Currey

NOW CLOSED: Share your experience of life as a Christian in the UK

The inquiry into ‘Being a Christian in the UK Today’, led by the Christians in Parliament All-Party Parliamentary Group, seeks to explore the experience of Christians in the UK in 2018. In particular we are concerned with how living out Christian faith interacts with public institutions such as…

Living ethically when it's tough

We live in a big, draughty old vicarage, and the heating bills are rather cumbersome for a vicar and his ill wife. “Shop around,” people say to us. “This company or that company do it much more cheaply.” But then we look at the companies. We look at their values, what they invest in, how they treat…

20 November 2018

Top tips for an ethical Christmas

Start small To create long-lasting change in any area, it’s key not to start everything at once. When God changes things in us, He is slow and gentle, drawing us towards intimacy with Him and a better way of living. The same should be true in our walk towards loving His creation better. You could…

20 November 2018
Eve Paterson