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Displaying 391-405 of 2576 results found.

Are Christians still free to share the gospel in our society?

Premier Drive teamed up with Evangelical Alliance directors Gavin Calver and Dr Dave Landrum to tackle some of the biggest questions on evangelism – has the Church lost its way or has it simply just lost touch with how things should be done?

Autism Hour: for the sake of others

This week, the National Autistic Society (NAS) has been encouraging businesses to participate in their Autism Hour initiative. In the course of this hour, shops turn down any music and lights, avoid any sudden announcements, and distribute information about autism to employees and customers.…

12 October 2018
John Coleby

IDOP: The global church: persecuted but still growing

In his second ever trip to the UK, Bishop Efraim Tendero, secretary general and chief executive officer of the WEA, visited the Evangelical Alliance’s resource centre in London for the very first time. There, I had the opportunity to speak with him about the international church, what the WEA is…

16 October 2018
Naomi Osinnowo

IDOP: God hears our prayers for the persecuted church

In Nigeria Boko Haram and Fulani militants regularly attack Christian villages, destroying homes and churches, displacing, kidnapping and killing the inhabitants. In India several states have introduced anti-conversion laws, Christian pastors are violently attacked, and extremists threaten to…

18 October 2018
James Fraser

Theology Slam 2019: applications now open

Applications are now being accepted for Theology Slam, a new competition that aims to find 18- to 30-year-old believers who think the way Jesus does about the issues facing people today, such as mental health, artificial intelligence and the gig economy. The contest, which has been endorsed by the…

22 October 2018
Naomi Osinnowo

Anti-Slavery Day 2018: time to think outside the box?

Creativity is a word we use a lot, but which we rarely stop to think about properly. What does creativity really look like? Is it just the preserve of a special and enlightened few? Is creativity just a nice, fuzzy concept, maybe a little insular, a little privileged, confined to esoteric artwork…

15 October 2018
Christine Gilland Robinson

IDOP: CSW: “We’re standing with our persecuted family”

And yet, when Christian Solidarity Worldwide visited them earlier this year, the church leaders stressed that all their congregations wanted was peace and prayer. “We must love others, we forgive the attackers, we do not want revenge,” Father Aloysius Widyawan told us when we went to offer…

19 October 2018
Emma Howlett

Conflict Resolution - top tips

Seminar presentation by Jo Frost at CRE.

Unwrap something special with Stewardship this Christmas

Everyone knows Christmas time as the season of giving, but what does that really mean for Christians? We know that this time of year can very quickly get very superficial, as well as being fraught with a lot of different emotions for people. So we always want to go back to the original nativity…

15 November 2018
Catherine Durant

Both Lives Matter urges MPs not to meddle with N. Ireland’s law

The impassioned plea, which was made at a parliamentary briefing event, hosted by Fiona Bruce MP, comes just days before Diana Johnson MP will present to parliament a ten-minute rule bill regarding her proposed change to abortion law, and amid the release of a new poll which revealed that the…

18 October 2018
Naomi Osinnowo

The Gender Recognition Act 2004: consultation on reform

The Government is seeking public response to a consultation on gender recognition reform. The proposed changes could have long-lasting and far-reaching consequences, so we encourage you to take this opportunity to have your say.

18 October 2018

The Lord God made them all

After this half-term a Forest Kindergarten that has been operating since 2014 in a National Trust forest in Kent will not be able to return to the woods. This news saddened me as I believe nature is the best teacher and that God wants children and all of us to appreciate His creation which points…

19 October 2018
Kaiya Huleatt

Counties: Neighbourhood Chaplains

Our Neighbourhood Chaplains vision is to see churches connecting deeply with the lonely. We want to see hundreds of teams equipped to reach out, thousands of homes and communities connected every month, fresh opportunities for the gospel through word and action and lives transformed as people see…

Bruderhof: Plough Publishing House

We have branches in the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States. We also publish Plough Quarterly, a bold new magazine of stories, ideas, and culture to inspire faith and action. In addition, we serve up fresh views and insights daily online. Plough has always aspired to be more than just…

One People Commission fifth birthday: a song of unity

Why have you decided to get involved with the One People Commission celebration? I very much believe that the church at large should be aiming to come together as one body, worshipping God together, growing together and winning souls to the kingdom together. This necessarily includes embracing…

23 October 2018
Alexandra Davis