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Displaying 376-390 of 2576 results found.

Ford and Kavanaugh hearing: a Supreme Court injustice?

In the last 24 hours university professor Dr Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh have both appeared before a US Senate Committee. Dr Ford alleges that Judge Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her at a party in 1982. Judge Kavanaugh rejects the allegations and claims no such encounter ever…

28 September 2018
David Smyth

Reaching our unreachable inner-city teenagers

It was like, just for a split second, he was allowing us to see through the cracks of his wall, into the lonely and frightened person he really was. It was the first piece of humanity we had ever witnessed from him, and it was heart-breaking. There are some young people that are so far removed from…

3 October 2018
Tim Gough

Equipping public leaders for service in Northern Ireland

After the success of the Public Leader courses in Scotland and England, late September marked the start of the first ever Public Leadership programme in Northern Ireland, which is being pioneered as an outworking of our vision to see Christians who work in the public square practice their faith…

Yes, it’s tough, but prayer can be at the heart of family life

I would love my life to look like this, that consistent knowledge of the Holy Spirit with me, to talk to, to follow His prompting and hear His voice. Not only do I want prayer to increasingly be part of my own life, but for my children as well. I really want them to learn to delight in being with…

4 October 2018
Becky Denharder

Indonesia: are we the answer to our prayers?

On 28 September a tsunami, triggered by a magnitude 7.5 earthquake, hit Indonesia’s Central Sulawesi province. Thousands of homes were destroyed and hospitals, hotels and shopping centres collapsed. The death count, which is already more than 1,400, is likely to rise, and at least 800 people have…

5 October 2018

Release International: International Day of Prayer

Thousands of believers have been slaughtered over the past few years by Boko Haram terrorists and militant Fulani herdsmen, and many more have been displaced. This year, as the Religious Liberty Commission encourages churches in the UK to pray for persecuted Christians around the world on the…

HOPE: 40 stories of hope

40 Stories of Hope is a collection of 40 remarkable testimonies from prisoners, ex-prisoners and prison chaplains who speak powerfully about life-changing encounters with Jesus. As well as telling stories of how Jesus changes lives, 40 Stories of Hope includes 40 Bible readings and prayers making…

Andy Frost's book Long Story Short has got me thinking

In his beautiful, yet simple, book Long Story Short, Andy Frost combines enjoyable stories with vignettes from his life and Christian instruction to encourage the reader to think bigger than their own life’s journey. He leads us from the narrow, insignificant confines of our own stories without God…

8 October 2018
Berlind Fellermeier

NOW CLOSED: The Gender Recognition Act 2004: Consultation on reform

A consultation to review legislation that governs how a person may change their gender

Ashers: A win for everyone

Supreme Court rules to protect freedom from compelled speech The Supreme Court announced today that Ashers Bakery did not discriminate against Mr Lee when they refused to make a cake that said: ‘Support Gay Marriage’. The key outcome of today’s ruling is that no one can be compelled to say…

10 October 2018

IDOP: Persecuted Christians around the world need our prayers

Around the world there are more than 200 million Christians in the top 50 countries where it is most difficult to be a Christian, according to the Open Doors’ World Watch List. Countries including North Korea and Afghanistan, who are in positions one and two on the list, respectively, continue to…

15 October 2018
Alexandra Davis

Why Speak Up? - Richard Godden

International corporate lawyer Richard Godden explains why he thinks it's important that Christians speak up for Jesus in society.

Why Speak Up? - Usha Reifsnider

Usha Reifsnider shares why she thinks it's important that Christians speak up for Jesus in society.

Are Christians able to live out the gospel in our culture?

Premier Drive teamed up with Evangelical Alliance directors Gavin Calver and Dr Dave Landrum to tackle some of the biggest questions on evangelism – has the Church lost its way or has it simply just lost touch with how things should be done?

Are there limits to where and how, we should evangelise?

Premier Drive teamed up with Evangelical Alliance directors Gavin Calver and Dr Dave Landrum to tackle some of the biggest questions on evangelism – has the Church lost its way or has it simply just lost touch with how things should be done?