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Displaying 316-330 of 2576 results found.

New report is critical of the term 'Spiritual Abuse' as well intended, but not fit for purpose.

A new report that highlights the risks associated with adopting the vague and incoherent terminology of ‘Spiritual Abuse’ has been released today by the Evangelical Alliance. The term ‘Spiritual Abuse’ may be well intended, but it is not fit for purpose. Produced by the Evangelical Alliance…

5 February 2018

Sunday schools protected in key religious freedom victory

The Government has abandoned plans to register and inspect out-of-school education settings, announcing this in a report on their call for evidence released today. In so doing, they have taken an important step to protect religious freedom. In deciding not to pursue their proposals to register…

10 April 2018

Request a speaker

We love to visit member churches, organisations and communities. It is our privilege to share good news stories of what God is doing around the UK, preach on what we feel God is saying to the evangelical church, and offer our perspective on what is happening at this moment culturally and…

Mercy Ships: How will your church make history?

For 2000 years, the Church has followed the model of Jesus, by loving the poor and serving the sick. Christians founded the first hospitals, pioneered colleges of nursing, and established schools for deaf and blind children. We follow in the footsteps of Church heroes and history makers; legendary…

Relationship Commitments

We Affirm We welcome as Christian brothers and sisters all who experience the grace of new birth, bringing them to that fear and knowledge of God which is expressed in a life of obedience to His word. We recognise our Christian duty of trust and mutual encouragement to all who serve Christ as…

New Evangelical Alliance website resources and equips UK church

The Evangelical Alliance launches its brand new website today, as a key part of its mandate to serve and resource the UK church. Focused on the Evangelical Alliance’s commitment to build confidence in the gospel and be a trusted voice in society, the new site is packed with resources,…

28 August 2018

Friends of Turkey: Call to prayer

The Friends of Turkey prayer guide is sent out bi-monthly for free on request. Friends of Turkey also receive gifts for the Silas Project which gives supplementary financial help to Turkish men in ministry. "My wife and I pray every day for Turkey and find your newsletter of great assistance to us"…

Moorlands College

Study applied theology: undergraduate, postgraduate, foundation year, short courses available. All our courses have one, vital thing in common: they’re about applied theology. We’ve designed our courses to give you a biblical and theological foundation on which to build your life and ministry. We…

OAC Ministries: Sketchboard

OAC Ministries is all about taking the good news of the love of God to where the people are using many creative ways to share the gospel. OAC Ministries are part of Open Air Campaigners International, a worldwide interdenominational mission. They are best known for the sketchboard as a creative…

Messianic Testimony

Our calling to reach Jewish people takes our workers throughout the UK, as well as into Eastern Europe, Russia, Germany (Aachen, Cologne and Koblenz),France (Toulouse) and into the Cape Town region of South Africa. We have associates living, and working, in Israel as well. These are exciting days…

Christian Schools Trust: conference

Our aim is to inspire, encourage and develop models of educational leadership and teaching practice that serve the body of Christ, local communities and the nation. The trust is networked to scores of Christian schools in the UK and internationally. Our next conference ‘A Truly Christian Education?…

Christians in Library and Information Services

Christians in Library and Information Services (formerly Librarians’ Christian Fellowship) offers a variety of conferences, lectures, and visits designed for Christians who work in library and information services of all kinds and who want to live out their faith in their chosen professions. For…

Mullers: George Müller and his 10,000 children

This free resource entitled, ‘George Müller and His 10,000 Children’ is a booklet filled with comics, maps and facts that is perfect for children of Primary School ages in a variety of settings. Whether it is used in the classroom, Sunday Schools or independent working, children will have fun…

SOLAS Centre for Public Christianity

Solas is an evangelism and evangelism training ministry based in Scotland, but working across the whole of the UK. From universities to cafes, pubs to workplaces, we aim to persuasively communicate the news of Jesus in a way that engages and answers people’s deepest questions — and train and equip…

Kingdom Bank

We offer Christians a unique way to steward their money with Kingdom values. Whether you want to deposit your savings meaningfully, are looking for funding for a property project or are in search of church or charity insurance, we would be delighted to partner with you. Mortgages – We offer…