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Displaying 2251-2265 of 2576 results found.

10 minutes with... Phil Knox

Tell us a little bit about yourself I’m an enthusiast – which I found out recently means ‘God inspired’, which I love. I love my family – I’m married to Dani and we have two boys, Caleb and Jos. I’m happiest when sat around the firepit, surrounded by friends, family and laughter, drinking…

3 April 2023
Nicola Morrison

The cross is for daily life, not just for Easter

This reflective meditation includes the repeated prayer, "Come Lord Jesus, 'Easter' us anew", inspired by the prayers of theologian Walter Breuggemann. It expresses a longing for the ongoing renewal and restoration of our daily human lives that is possible because of the first Easter event. It's…

6 April 2023
Donna Jennings

Disciple Making Movement resource

Biglife is a Disciple Making Movement (DMM) with its roots in Asia, but seeking to apply the principles and practices of Jesus and the early church into the UK. Since 2019 we have been serving churches in the UK by sharing the vision, offering simple training and then ongoing support and…

The God of unity and justice: a prayer for April

"There before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the lamb.”

30 years on from the death of Stephen Lawrence - there is still much work to do

On 22 April 1993, Stephen Lawrence was murdered in Eltham, South London. The ensuing investigation, failed prosecutions, both public and private, exposed failings in the police. There was widespread concern that the racially motivated killing of Stephen was met with racially prejudiced policing…

19 April 2023
Danny Webster

Being human in an AI world

Every week, I hear more stories about the rapidly accelerating capability and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI). There are some good news stories – from helping to diagnose health problems in sick patients, to ongoing efforts to analyse wildlife and poacher data and predict their…

20 April 2023
Helen Locke

AI: radically new or 'nothing new under the sun'? | Being Human

Artificial intelligence has continued to creep into our feeds and headlines. From an AI generated interview with F1’s Michael Schumacher to the Sony world photography award winner revealing his entry as a fake. The global community is increasingly being faced with ethical dilemmas and profound…

Maternity care for Black and Asian women deemed "appalling" by MPs

The difference in health outcomes during pregnancy and following childbirth based on ethnicity is well documented in medical journals and parliamentary inquiries. Since 1995, it has been government policy for hospitals in England and Wales to collect patient’s ethnicity data with the view that…

25 April 2023
Alicia Edmund

Review calls on government to improve engagement with faith groups

Colin Bloom’s review called for the government to “actively encourage greater understanding and consideration of the beliefs and practices that define the complete expression of religion and faith, and for greater appreciation and support for what people of faith, faith-based organisations and…

26 April 2023
Danny Webster

Prayer for the King

Join us in prayer for King Charles ahead of the Coronation

Cost of living crisis: we need to be in this together

On one occasion I was stood in a carpark outside our foodbank whilst a woman broke down right in front of me. It was the second time that morning she had been reduced to tears. The first was after coming into our building, a nervous first-time foodbank user. Her tears were of relief, when she saw…

27 April 2023
Chris Leech

The Coronation: #NotMyKing & the priestly King

This week sees the coronation of King Charles the third – becoming the 40th monarch to be crowned in Westminster Abbey. But like all contemporary events, it has been met with its fair share of discourse and debate.

The Illegal Migration Bill has been passed through the House of Commons – what happens now?

The Illegal Migration Bill is the government’s attempt to reduce the high number of people who cross the Channel on a small boat in order to seek asylum in the UK. The bill will result in anyone arriving in the UK through unauthorised means being prevented from claiming asylum. Those who arrive…

9 May 2023
Nicola Martin

Police have new powers to arrest, but will this lead to law and order in society?

The final verse in Judges 21 paints an unsettling image where poor leadership and corrupt authority leads to chaos and disorder in society. The verse reads: ‘In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes’. Without agreement between authority and the…

10 May 2023
Alicia Edmund

Hope in anxiety: a pastoral perspective

The trouble is that it can be hard to admit to feeling anxious. Often we feel a pressure to “just cope”. We frequently ignore the desperately hard experiences, the biological complexity and, sometimes, the life choices that fuel our anxiety. We live in a fallen world, so it should be no surprise…

15 May 2023
Helen Thorne