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Displaying 2206-2220 of 2576 results found.

Bishops' proposals depart from orthodox teaching. The Church of England needs our prayers for courage and conviction

To my evangelical brothers and sisters, I wanted to write to you, as a wider family of evangelicals, in this incredibly important moment that we find ourselves in. Like many of us, the Church of England has had a tremendous influence on my discipleship. It has the potential to shape and model to…

1 February 2023
Gavin Calver

How to grow faith in a cost of living crisis

People have been going without food and heating as prices rise and even essential living costs have become unaffordable. But in these desperate times, there is a beacon of hope; cutting through the darkness is the light of the UK church. To address the need, churches have been opening their doors…

3 February 2023
Ellie Gage

Perspective: Talking Mission & Evangelism

It’s time to gain a fresh perspective and to together bring the hope of Jesus to our nation. A series of online webinar-style dialogues, aimed at Church leaders, ministry leaders, and all those with a passion for mission and evangelism. With relevant themes and input from experienced practitioners…

The relational God: A prayer for February

A prayer for inspiration, boldness and opportunities to share our faith by how we act in our friendships and everyday encounters

'Always': A prayer for the new year

A special prayer for individuals or churches to thank God for His faithfulness through the ups and downs of 2022, and to ask for His help to be faithful in 2023

Why we need the best of friends

Why friendship, why now? I am convinced God is speaking to His church about this issue. In so many ways, friendship is timeless – we will always reflect the relational nature and design of our Creator. We were made for it. But at the same time, friendship is timely – it is the need of the hour.…

16 February 2023
Phil Knox

Equality and Human Rights review survey

The Equality and Human Rights Commission are reviewing how far Britain has come in becoming a fair and equal society, and are calling for evidence to help them understand what is happening across the country. At the Evangelical Alliance, we will be responding to this review, particularly providing…

Both Lives Matter: Church leaders gather in Washington

How it all began About 6 years ago, a number of us from different Christian charities in Northern Ireland were growing increasingly frustrated and grieved about the debate around abortion. Talking publicly (and privately) about abortion has always been difficult. And it should be, because we’re…

9 February 2023
David Smyth

Abortion buffer zones – why we must continue to speak out

Clause 9 is one of many controversial proposals in the Bill. In its current form the clause would create a 150-metre “buffer-zone” around all abortion clinics and make it a criminal offence for anyone that seeks to “interfere with a person’s decision to access abortion services”. The argument is…

6 February 2023
Alicia Edmund

Five tips for sharing your faith with those in need

The cost of living crisis has meant that the needs of our community have really grown, and we have been receiving far more referrals for help than ever before, who we continue to serve by way of cooked meals, our free drop-in café, shower and laundry facilities, as well as greater advocacy…

15 February 2023
Christopher Vaz

C of E and reimagining social care | Being human

Many eyes are currently cast over the Church of England’s bishops after proposals on same-sex marriage. However, amongst the swarm of reactions from both inside and outside of the church, it is important to not take our eyes off other areas of society that need hope-filled reimagining. Catch Peter…

Respond to the consultation to create an apprenticeships framework for Christian ministry in Wales

Are you a potential apprentice? Or a church leader who may become an employer? We want to make it easier for young people to explore ministry, and we need your help with a consultation that is being prepared for the Welsh government. For the past 18 months, we have been exploring what it would look…

Ukraine, one year on: how the UK church can keep doing its part

"Everything has changed for us... It was a nightmare we couldn’t wake up from.” That’s how the Orlov family, from Kherson Oblast, remember the early months of the invasion when they were forced to leave. When they returned, they found their home and village destroyed - but they’re determined to…

24 February 2023
Helen Locke

The Best of Friends Small Group Resources

One of the core principles of The Best of Friends is that life is a relational event and journey. As such, the book has been written in a way that is beneficial for individuals, but to really maximise its impact it is best read in a small group setting. This small group resource is your guide and…

The Asbury outpouring, remembering revivals and the prophet Habakkuk

Let me start by sharing three stories: It was August 1727, and a small community of Moravian refugees, troubled by their bitter divisions and disagreements, started a humble prayer meeting in an unassuming village in Germany. They began in groups of two or three for one-hour slots, 24 hours a day,…

24 February 2023
Emma Sowden